I asked this first in "health" but only received 2 answers, so here goes-
I have literally had nausea for over a month continously, all the time. Exhausted as well. There is a possibility I am preg right now.. but that doesn't explain 2 weeks ago feeling nauseous. I only take zoloft at a very low dose for anxiety but I have been taking that for a few years without this much nausea. What could be other causes I am not thinking of here? I am "sick" of waking up every single day feeling like I am going to hurl!!
14 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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8 minutes ago
it's too early for a pregnancy test... Have to wait another week... but that doesnt explain a few weeks ago
2 minutes ago
I also am always HOT, I even have an ice pack on my back because I am constantly sweating and feel like its 100 degrees out.