
Constant nausea... any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this first in "health" but only received 2 answers, so here goes-

I have literally had nausea for over a month continously, all the time. Exhausted as well. There is a possibility I am preg right now.. but that doesn't explain 2 weeks ago feeling nauseous. I only take zoloft at a very low dose for anxiety but I have been taking that for a few years without this much nausea. What could be other causes I am not thinking of here? I am "sick" of waking up every single day feeling like I am going to hurl!!

14 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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8 minutes ago

it's too early for a pregnancy test... Have to wait another week... but that doesnt explain a few weeks ago

2 minutes ago

I also am always HOT, I even have an ice pack on my back because I am constantly sweating and feel like its 100 degrees out.




  1. Get one of those fast acting pregnancy tests, really ten days should be long enough to wait before checking with these new ones.  Maybe diabetes?  Look into it.

  2. A simple blood test can tell you if it is the beginning of menopause.  Check with your OB.

  3. How old are you? You could be going through menopause.  Consult your OB as soon as you can.  It could be more serious than menopause or being pregnant, you want to catch whatever it is before it's too late.

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