
Constant sense of deja vu?

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This may seem strange but I always have a sense of deja vu every time I do anything. It's almost like my whole life is a dream I had that I'm living through. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I do, it feels like it's happened already. And this isn't fake, it's really happening.




  1. In all seriousness maybe your physic...

  2. I completely believe some people are psychic. I frequently had vivid, detailed dreams that would later play out in life exactly as I'd seen them.

  3. Very cool. I would image that you may also be good at predicting things. Use it to do good! It's a gift!

  4. I know what you mean pretty much every day i have a sense of deja vu, but its really hard to explain. its wierd like i feel like i have been in that situation before but can't rememeber it

    some people would think its that you are reincarnated

  5. I've experienced the same thing thousands of time. As a matter of fact I even dream of future and they happen. My friends knew all about them. At first I thought it was jusrt an illusion or something wrong but I tried to consult someone I knew from bible studies and he told me that they are indeed people who are gifted with psychic abilities but not all dream that had came true are devine. It is a gift, he told me, but use it wisely.

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