

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to do a cleanse so I started to take fiber pills. The pills that I had really worked -it made me go 2-3 times a day in very large quantities. After about 2-3 weeks of doing that I felt like a completely different person. I was so happy, my outlook on life changes for the better 180*. I was thinking clearly and making decisions that would be hard before in confidence. I just felt like a completely new person. I can’t really fully describe it. Well after the third week the pills stopped working for me. I started to go to the bathroom only 1 per 2days. I went back to my old-no energy very unhappy state again. I then decided to do a different cleanse which had a lot of reviews. Dr natura, but it didn’t work for me. Then I did colonic which im going for again soon but nothing had helped yet.. I have no idea what is causing this. Anything I can do? What’s the cause for this? Am I so backed up? Any help would be appreciated




  1. I know a lot of people (including me) who've had success with this herbal tea blend that cleanses your colon. Here's an article that explains how it works: .

    Hope that helps you. I know how miserable it is to be constipated. :-(

    Healthy Mom

  2. The normal amount to have a bowl movement is 2 times a day. Cleansing the body really doesn't work, and I've told this to a lot of patients. Dr. Oz did a study on it.

    If you want to go alot up the fiber in your diet (like fruits and some cereals) but trying to detox isn't going to help you at all.

    Please feel free to e-mail me with anymore questions!

  3. Diet can both prevent and cure constipation so eat more foods rich in magnesium as magnesium will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and thus aid in digestion..... the more fibre in your diet from fruits, vegies, legumes and whole grains, the softer and the larger the amount of f***s will be passed.

    Magnesium is needed in the human body for helathy nerves and muscle functioning and for heart health. Magnesium rich foods will aide in eliminating constipation problems for you.

    Eat more foods rich in this wonderfull little mineral ie: leafy and green vegies, nuts and seeds ~ organic to avoid pesticides and other nasty chemicals that may upset sensitive bodies, wholegrain breads and cereals and cold water fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting.

    Magnesium is also known as the antistress mineral and will help you deal with stressy situations better.

    Also, eat more foods rich in Vitamin C as vitamin C is a natural laxative ie: oranges, lemons and limes, leafy and green vegies, tomatoes, potatoes and red and green capsicums. Vitamin C rich foods will also bolster your immune system and help in lowering blood pressure.

    Try to cut back on dehydrating drinks such as those containing caffeine ie: soft drinks and sodas, coffee, tea and also alcohol will dehydrate you...........for each can of soda or soft drink that you have your body can excrete up to 12 cups of water !! Caffeine is marginally better ~ for just one cup of coffee you need to replace it with 2 cups of water because the caffeine tricks our brains into thinking that we have ample water supply and encourages the body to urinate much needed fluid from our body!!

    The use of laxatives will only exaspperate your problem and will do a brilliant job of robbing you of your B complex of vitamins (which are essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning) and also your vitamin C supplies. Also take a good quality multi B complex supplement as the B group of vitamins is essential for healthy digestive, neural and immune system functioning. As they are a water soluble complex our bodies can neither store or produce them. As such we need to replace them on a daily basis or suffer from the stress related side affect.

    Drink loads of fresh filtered water too ~ at least 2 - 3 litres per day ~ as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

    ♥ For a temporary measure only put 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water, stir it up and drink up ......... be prepared to do a loud burp and you'll find that any tummy ache you had will be resolved within 15 minutes and your constipation will itself resolve within a few hours ♥ The baking soda will realkalise the contents of your tummy and help you move .......... it is only an aid to be used in an emergency though, as along with realkalising the contents of your tummy and giving you relief from the ghastly pain of constipation it will also neutralise your digestive juices (eat more foods rich in magnesium in future to encourage the production of digestive juices ~ i guess that's why my mom always used to tell me to eat my greens!!) ....... soooo, use it to relieve the pain now but in future you need to eat a bit better and drink more water mate♥

    hope this helps you a bit



  4. at one point i was obssesed with cleaning out my body cuz i wanted to loose weight. and i turned to prune juice. it works great it never stopped working for me. i did this for months. it really works.

  5. First of all, be care full of how often you is not necessary or safe to colon cleanse very often, and they are not an excuse for a bad diet.   The average person should feel the urge to eliminate after most meals.  Stools should have a slight curve shape with no cracks.  Separated lumps, ragged edges, mushy or watery stools, foul smelling, black, sticky, very thin, or shinny are not normal and are signs of toxic colon, constipation, bowel disease, or insufficient absorption of nutrients.  Most of these are all caused by poor diet.  First and foremost...Cheese milk and any dairy product for that matter are very congesting to the digestive system and should be avoided at all cost.  Try soy or rice products as an alternative.  White flour is also many times to blame in cases of constipation and poor assimilation.  Think about what white bread feels like in your mouth...this is the same was it acts in your intestines.  It not only backs you up, but also gunkes up the villi in the small intestine which absorb nutrients into the blood.  Poor assimilation of nutrients can lead to a whole new list of complications.  Besides that, white flour is one of the most useless foods nutritionally speaking.  Switching to whole grain will also help as it will increase fiber.  Drinking plenty of water is also key.  I recommend half your body weight in ounces.  (ex, 150lb person should drink 75ounces per day)  By modifying your diet, increasing your water and fiber intake (lots of raw fruits and veggies)  and waiting it out, you should feel better in no time. Remember...BE PROACTIVE!  I am a firm believer in cleansing, but if your living a healthy lifestyle it should not be necessary very often.  If  your not feeling better soon, I highly recommend seeing a Doc, to make sure there are no underlying causes you are not aware of.  Also, one more thing...stress plays a huge roll in our digestive systems.  Depending on the situation, managing stress alone can be a big help!  Hope your feeling better soon :)
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