
Contact lense help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have really small eyes and i put my contacts in inside out once and broke a blood vessel. now i'm terrified of wearing contacts again. my small eyes really make it hard to wear contacts because they get irritated easily yet i still want to wear them. has this happended to anyone else and plz give me some tips!!!




  1. i hate contacts, they are a pain to put in and take out. i just refuse to wear them... whats wrong with glasses? do contacts really work? well... just go back to glasses, they make you look smart and beautiful no matter who you are or what you look like.... stay beautiful wear glasses....

  2. Don't worry! If your eyes get irritated easily it may be because they are dry. Just buy some drops (or ask for thyem when you go to your next eye exam.) They are called Optive Moisturizing Dry Eye Solution, Aquify Long-Lasting Comfort Drops, or GenTeal Lubricant Eye Drops. You just put a few drops in your eye before you put your contacts in and they will keep your eyes feeling moist.

    To make sure that you are not putting your contacts in inside out, most contacts have a "123" on the right side up (it's hard to see, you have to look very closely!) just look for the numbers and they will tell you which way is the right side up.

    Also, because you have small eyes, when you are putting your contacts in, lift up your eyelid and push down on your lower lid with the hand that you are not putting the contact in with, and that will give you more room to put your contact in.

    GOOD LUCK!!! :) I hope this helps.

  3. yes it happened to me , but u just have to trust yourself

  4. Never heard of a blood vessel breaking because of a contact. I have been wearing them for 33 years (since age 16). When a contact is put in inside out the edges are rolled out wards so when you blink they catch that edge and can fall out. I think what you are doing is pressing on your eyeball too hard or straining your eye when you put the lens in, that's what could have broke the blood vessel. It takes practice to get them in and out. Take your time make sure they are rinsed off good before putting them in. Take your left  finger and thumb and open your eye lids as wide as you can with out too much pressure. Look straight ahead in the mirror and with your right finger with the contact on it plop the contact in, then blink.  If you have problems with dry eye there is lubricant you can buy or re wetting solution in any drug store.

  5. You can try rigid lenses instead of soft....they are smaller and impossible to put in backwards.  However, they will take you quite some time to get used too.  On the up side though, you save money because you don't throw them away.

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