
Contact lense problems?

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i wear contacts and it feels like there is something in m eye but there is nothing in my eye that i can see and my eye is sort of red did i scratch my eye or something??




  1. that happens to me too. when it happens i use my clean hand to pull the contact down and i drop solution in my eye and move the contact back up and it goes away your eye might be dry  

  2. it could the tiniest tear or 'bite' taken out of the edge, too. very small, but very uncomfortable. try to see if its torn at all... may just have to put in a new lens

  3. if you just started wearing them then thats normal. but if you have had them for a while, thats odd. maybe you do have something in your eye. try using eyes drops without your contacts in. it may go down on the redness. if not, wear your glasses today and get a good nights sleep. then they will prolly feel better in the morning =]

  4. It sounds like you may have scratched your eye or irritated it in some way. If you have just started wearing contacts, give your eyes a break and don't wear them until tomorrow. Before putting them back in, make sure they have been cleaned. You also need to make sure they are turned correctly.  Place the lens on the tip of your finger and look at it. If the edge is flared out, then it has flipped over. Gently flip it back and clean it before putting it back in. I've put my lenses in backwards and it hurts.  

  5. ya if your eye is red it might be 4 things.first you could have your contact in the wrong way so check for that first.second your eyes might be dry so put some wetting drops in.3rd you might have something on your contact lense or it might be a ripped contact lense you cant always see it so take your contacct lense out and exam it.that happened to me before and it took me a whole day to figure it out!and last if none of these suggestions work you might have cut your eye so goto the docter if you dont think its that just call your eye doctor and ask they might be avle to tell you right over the phone.hope this helps!

  6. Check for the following problems:

    1) Make sure to check if u have any cuts in your contact lenses.. If there is, immediately dispose it and discontinue using it!. I wore torn contact lenses for some time, unconscious about it, and i always felt uncomfortable and minor irritations.. With prolonged use, i developed 'blood-shot'  red eyes and when i check the optometrist, he said that the torn edges of the lenses were slicing the tissues in my eye each time i blink! There is possibility u might go blind with prolonged use!

    2) Make sure to check that its clean; no dust or any irritants that come into contact with ur lenses. And i mean it! make it 100% clean! just a teeny weeny dust has the potential to vex u seriously for the whole day!

    3) Long and concaved eyelashes, Eyebrows, Long fringe...

    good luck my friend,

    remember personal hygiene is extremely important =]

  7. Look closely at your contact. There may be some dust, a small tear, or something else. It is possible that you scratched your eye. The best thing is to make sure that there is nothing in the contact, or go a day without them. It is always a good thing to give your eyes a rest.

  8. you might have hair on your contacts i would take it out and put it in solution and try and put it back in or move it around in your eye if you dont mind touching your eyeball i have contacts too

  9. Yeah, your contact lens is in your eye.

    No, I'm not being a wise-guy.  Are they new lenses?  If they are the wrong curve, you will be very aware that they are in your eyes.  I had this problem when I went to an incompetent eye doctor who gave me a curve of 7.7.  After finding a new eye doctor, we fit me with a curve of 8.6 and I don't feel them in my eyes now.

    If they're not new lenses, it may just be in backwards.  This will also make you very aware that they are in your eyes.

    The only other thing I can think that it might be is a protein deposit under your eyelid.  If this is the case, do not wear your lenses for a while, and be sure to keep your eyes wet.  It will eventually break up and go away after a few days.

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