
Contact lenses question..?

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I want to know the how long you can keep your eyes closed wearing contacts and also if its possible to take a shower with them on??

Please let me knw the 'DO'S & DONT'S'





  1. I wear 2 week- 6.50 prescription acuvue lenses and have worn the same contact for nearly a year before. I wanted to experiment to see how long you could keep them in. As long as you keep them in solution you can wear then for months no problem. Just take good care of them and wear them till they hurt. An optometrist would not recommend this of course but I am 37 yrs old and am fine, been doing it for years. Some of them will break down faster than others. I got really lucky with that one that lasted nine months. I have no probs with my blood vessels or vision, never had an infection. Believe me your eyes will tell you when its time to change, optometrists don't want you to know this because they want your money. They have to make them so they last though so they don't get sued.It's all about money like everything else unfortunately. The people that get eye infections probably aren't using no rub solution. You should use no-rub but still rub and clean your lenses making them nearly new every night.

  2. DO NOT take a shower with them in, it is possible for the water to make them slip and go into the back of your head.

    YOU CAN sleep with them in, but only for about 9-10 hrs.

    9-10 hrs is the most you can keep them in or it will cause pain, UNLESS you take them out for a minute, put solution on them and let them soak, then put them back in your eyes again.

    YOU CAN PUT solution in them whenever your eyes hurts or stings, all solution does for you  is moistuize the eye.

    you can get solution at any drug store, pharmacy. like, walmart, walgreens, kmart, cvs, ect.

    if it is not avaliable where you live, check with your eye doctor to see if  you can purchase anything through the company.

    hope i helped :)

  3. I wear my lenses all day every day and have done so for years although you should give your eyes a rest. I sometimes shower in them but be aware that they are in and try to keep water out of your eyes. I've been swimming with them in but don't open your eyes under water they may get washed out. The only thing I don't do is to sleep in them for any length of time. The odd nap is ok but not overnight. If you have dry eyes it may not be possible to wear lenses as I do but the thing with lenses is that THEY will let you know when you have overdone anything ! When uncomfortable take them out.

  4. That depends on the contact lens.  Some brands have FDA clearance to be worn for 30 days continuously.  Therefore, you'd be closing your eyes for 8 or so hours each night.  Other lenses do not have any approval for sleep-wear (known as extended wear).  It is advisable not to wear the lenses in any type of water situation, but if you do, make sure  your eyes are closed when in direct contact.  If you happen to find yourself in a swimming pool, or other body of water, you should take them out immediately afterward and clean/soak them for the recommended amount of time.  There are microbes that live in water and can cause serious damage to the eye, so the official party line is to avoid wearing them in water situations.  

    If you have slept in a pair that are not designed for such use, you may wish to lubricate your eyes with drops immediately upon waking, remove the lenses and let your eyes rest for the day.  If they are red or irritated, you should call your eye doctor for an appointment.  Eyes are nothing to play only get one set.

    BTW, they can't roll to the back of your eye.  The worst that can happen with respect to that is they get lodged under your lid, or fall out altogether.

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