
Contact trouble?

by  |  earlier

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I went to my optometrists and got some contacts. Its been a while since I have worn some. This was yesterday, Not 2 hours after I wore them my eye balls are red in the inner corners. Same tonight put them in and it happened again. It doesnt hurt. It just looks not normal. What could be making my eyes do this. If all your going to say is "I dont know go back to the eye doctor.".I plan to, but I want to know whats up now.




  1. U shd get advice from ur eye doc. this might be becos u r not suitable to the contact lenses, the solution or the combination of two.

  2. if you haven't worn them for awhile you might have developed a slight allergy to them...

  3. its probably just irritation from oputting them in after a long time i bet itll go away

  4. It could be that the solution the contacts are in has expired.  Have u checked it?  If not, then u probably need to change the solution anyways.  Eyes could have gotten allergic to it.  A change is solution is always good

  5. There are quite a few different things that could cause your irritation. It could be that your eyes are not used to wearing contacts again just yet. It can take some people eyes up to 2 weeks to adjust to wearing contacts, even if you've worn them before but just haven't in quite some time. It could also be that your contacts might be a little bit dirty. Your contact solution could even be bothering your eyes.

    You could always take them out and clean them, to see if that helps...and you can always try changing solutions too. Or you could continue using the same solution, but rinse your contacts with some saline solution before putting them in. Saline is very gentle on the eyes.

    Your eye doctor should be able to help you out more whenever you are able to go see him/her about this.

  6. It's probably just cause you haven't worn them in a while, my eyes get like that sometimes too. When I first started wearing them I got told to wear them for like 30 mins the first day and increase the time each day until it was up to a full day. Maybe this was to prevent what has happened to you? Try wearing them for a short amount of time and then take them out.

  7. It might be that your eyes are adjusting to having contacts back in them.  I'm not sure how long you've been out of them.  You also might have them on inside out, they can irritate your eyes that way.  Try a different type of solution.  Clear Care is really good for your eyes, but make sure to follow the directions if you use it.  Sensitive eyes is good too.  

    If after you try a new solution, your eyes are still red, I would suggest going back to your o.d.  Most don't charge for a follow up appt and they may prescribe you a different type of contacts.
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