
Contacting a teacher and need help!!????

by  |  earlier

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ok i seriously need to contact one of my teachers. he has been helping me thourgh a lot of my problems about depression and i think it got worse and i need to speake with him and i tried the school chatt thing and its closed for the summer and then i tried his other email that deals with the school and it did not send because there is a spam fire wall and i dont know any other way to caontacte him i dont have his pone # all i have is an email that does not work what should i do ( my mom does not know that i have been talking to my teacher ) and i would only rather talk to him about it!!!





    You don't have to rely on your teacher for guidance right now. You can find a comforting voice or written words if you look in the right place. Check out the link above.

    Chin up - this all will pass.  

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