
Contacts & prescription?

by  |  earlier

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i'm nearsighted but i don't like wearing my glasses. I want to get contacts but i don't know what the prescription is. i know it's 0.5 but i don't remember if it's - or +. does anyone know if contacts for nearsighted people have - or +?




  1. Hmm well I'm not sure but I am nearsighted, and have really bad eye site...I do know that my prescription is -3.00/-3.75 somewhere in there but it does have a (-).

  2. Most optical shop offer a free consultation and you dont have to make an appointment. Its best to have your eyes checked so that you'll know your prescription.

    Good luck!

  3. a minus

  4. A nearsighted perscription is a minus, while an hyperopic perscription is a plus. I've got -5.50 in my perscription (says so on my contacts) and I'm extremely shortsighted.

    Personally, unless I had a very visually demanding job, I wouldn't wear glasses or contacts with such a low perscription, but that's your decision to make.

    Regardless, a certified optometrist will always check your vision before perscribing glasses for you, just to make sure it hasn't changed, so you really don't have to worry about that.

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