
Contacts slide when blinking?

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My contacts on occasion slide up when I blink and it's quite irritating for I cannot see anything when this happens. It's only just started a month ago when I got a new box of contacts and it's never happened before. Any suggestions for what could be going on? Thank you!




  1. when you put them in, barely touch your eye, let the contact stay there, and then close it and hold it.. then put some solution on your pointer finger and dab your eye and make sure you get the air pockets out of the contact, that causes it to slide.

    glad to help :)

  2. your contacts shouldnt move all around. that probobly means you have the wrong size. they should be comfortable and feel like nothing is in your eye

  3. Either your eyes have changed or they may have given you the wrong box of contacts, the wrong prescription. Check it out. These contacts do not fit you properly. You need to go back to the eye doctor or get another eye doctor who can fit you properly. The contacts should not be sliding around.

  4. Hi what you have can be very common but it can also be very bad for your eyes. I was having the same problem so i just ignored it and kept getting new contacts. However it got to the point where i could not even blink. I went to the eye doctor and i had GPC. Its an infection from wearing the contacts to much or not changing them enough. It is a very common thing so i would just check with the eye doctor to make sure you dont have it. I had to wait 2 weeks and use eye drops because i made it worse by wearing contacts. I hope you do not have it but i hope this helps.

  5. That's normal. That has been happening to me ever since I got my contacts. I know, it sucks.

  6. If it started with a new box of contacts, you might have gotten the wrong "base curve" for your eyes.  Check the box, then check your prescription.  Is it the same?  (If you do not have a copy of your prescription, call your Optometrist and ask if the base curve on the box is correct.)

  7. i havnt hadd any contact experience, but id say ur contacts r broken or the contact brand is just CHEAP :\

  8. You might have a form of allergy known as GPC (giant papillary conjunctivitis).  This causes rubbery bumps to form on the back of your eye lid that grab the lens and jerk it up when you blink.  You need to see your doctor for evaluation and treatment as it will only worsen over time.

  9. this happen with me sometimes

    I just Invert the contact then it just be normal :p

    I hope u get what I mean I'm not so good in english


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