
Continuation Law 2?

by Guest32115  |  earlier

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We have established that the Human body does indeed contain a measurable electrical charge. And depending who's research your reading, the amount differs. But there is energy in the body. At death, this energy disperses. Under Law 2, there is the law of Entropy. It basically says all energy disperses at the same rate, unless there is something to stop it.Such as an enclosed environment. I wont get into what constitutes an enclosed environment. But suffice it to say, there is ways under physics to explain why energy would not disperse. And under the current laws of physics, it cannot explain every action in the universe, there are exceptions to everything. In laymans terms, you have to tweak the math to explain most new theories. Anyways, given the right conditions, the energy the body desperses upon death, the energy could stay within a certain area or space. And while losing some of its energy (heat) would not lose all of its energy. And in fact stableize. Causing a ghost?




  1. So you're saying the ghost is an inanimate artifact that remains after a person's death?  If we accept this hypothesis, wouldn't the energy that causes the ghost eventually dissipate?  In other words, wouldn't it cease appearing after the passage of time?  If that's the case then we would only see those who had recently died.  How would you account for those who claim to see ghosts of people from a long time ago?

    If ghosts are just the energy emitted from the body upon death, wouldn't all deaths cause ghosts?

    If they are caused by this energy, why does the energy adopt a form that resembles the person who just died, not to mention the person's clothing as well?

    How would this energy cause things to move and make noises?

    This hypothesis would preclude that such energy would not be able to react consciously, meaning Ouija boards, spirits  and mediums would not be accounted for.

    In short, the definition of what a ghost *is* would have to be altered.  This hypothesis, were it valid, would fail to account for the majority of ghost sightings.

    I like that you're probing with these questions.  It shows a curiosity and a desire to learn new things, rather than rely on old hypotheses.

  2. there still the part of the little worms that eat the body with the remaining energy together

    the problem with the ghost story is why no ghost want to tell us the story

  3. that would be fine if ghosts existed only within 5 seconds after someone died.

    Your psuedo-science falls short of reality, because its based entirely on the speculation that ghosts are dead people.

    Before you can scientifically prove any mechanism which could allow something to work, you must establish that it exists.

    Prove in a repeatable experiment that ghosts are the spirits of dead people. If you can do this, then you will have the scientific community working on the Theory of Spiritual Transcendance, or something like that. Of course you would have crossed the line from psuedo-science into real science.

    So far, noone has proven that ghosts are anything more than imagination.

  4. You've based your conclusion on some a priori statements which are not true.

    1)  There is almost *always* something to slow down or re-direct the dispersal of energy.  Loss of energy is anything but uniform.

    2)  Name the actions that the current laws of thermodynamics can't explain.

    3)  There are no exceptions to the laws of thermodynamics.  That's why they are laws, not just occasional attributes.

    4)  There is nothing to cause the energy to "stabilize."  It disperses and continues to, according to the second law.

    A person's body is releasing heat, (dispersing energy), for its entire lifetime.  Why would the last of the energy released be any different from all the energy that preceded it?  All the energy our bodies use and release is contained in the bonds in molecules.  The energy released in those reactions is well understood and behaves no differently from the energy in non-vital processes, like a fire, for instance.  Do you believe there is a ghost of a log hanging around your fireplace after the fire goes out?

  5. read the bible and you will find answers there.

  6. nuff...Thanks for trying to find some answer about ghosts that the skeptics can understand. I didn't realize that's what you were trying to do (because I don't understand "scientist language". )

  7. I won't get into your restatements of physical laws, which again aren't really correct. But just to answer your question -- there are no known mechanisms which would spontaneously collect the energy, be it biochemical, electrical or thermal, diffusing into the environment from a dying body. Neither are there any mechanisms known to science that would keep this energy focused over time and control its comings and goings, it's shape and appearance, etc. In short, you're very long on conjecture and short on theory.

    But I do want to specifically give you kudos for trying to think scientifically about this.
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