
Contractions is not proper english?

by  |  earlier

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this is soemthing that i've been taught since 2nd grade. i actually agree that contractions are not proper english, however contractions has been used by massive community so its acceptable in daily speechs, but when its used for a proper writing it is not proper english. manytimes, points are taken off of my essay for contractions acording to Albany. what i seek is an article that actually states "contraction is not proper english




  1. Contractions are appropriate for when you dramatise dialogues in writing, because like you said most people speak using contractions. But for formal essays they're not appropriate  -  they're too colloquial.

  2. Regardless of what the general public or the experts think, your teacher obviously does not like contractions.  I have one professor that wants a comma before the and in a list, not all professors require it.  But because he does I always put one.  So why not just stop putting contractions in your essays?  You would think you would have learned after the first time.

    Here is an article

  3. A contraction is an acceptable form of the English language.  However, in formal situations, such as a formal paper, one should not use contractions, because it gives the paper a less formal or official tone when contractions are used.

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