
Controlling parents!!!!

by Guest60816  |  earlier

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I'm going to university in september 2009 and my parents are trying to control where I go and what I study and I keep trying to ignore them but my dad said if he had to he'd fill in my UCAS form for me so I do what he wants me to do. I want to study photography but my parents want me to study a language and Psychology and study as close to home as possible but I don't want to and I don't know what to do anymore.




  1. Ok you have GOT to get control here. Who does your dad think he is planning your life for you like that and I am saying that because my parents were v strict and I got so angry that I just didn't care anymore and I did what I wanted and you know what they hated it at first. They made me feel I was going off the rails when I was just living my life but they eventually came round and realised they had to loosen up a bit. I went through a lot of s*** but looking back I would rather have quietly planned a secure exit as in I would have worked, saved and when I had secured a place to rent, moved out and supported myself. They probably would have realised they couldn't control me a lot quicker than if I was living at home. Please do what you want and fight for what you want. What's the point of living a life that you don't want. I'm sure your parents love you and want the best but they can't see what they're doing to you. You have to take control so that they will realise. It'll help you both in the long run

  2. Freak them out first .

    ~~~as in get a fake wig to scare them ,get fake piercings and sprayed tattos,act like the goth,bad girl u never was.Get a boyfriend that is as bad as you and thennn once your parents see how u will act in college tell them only one condition will you change and it is my way or the highway o and make sure 2 tell them that u quit college wen ur in ur goth stage ok?ok


  3. I'm in the same position. i;m set for all A's at my A-levels and want to do english language at uni. However my parents wanted me to do medicine. i got all the info on the course i wanted to do and showed it to them to show that i was serious about it. and then i said that although i know they only want the best for me it's my decision and although i still want their support, i'll still do what i want to in the end. that's worked for me!

  4. This is YOUR decision, not theirs. You should find out everything involved about the course, show them some examples of your work. Impress them with your knowledge and enthusiasm. They only want what is best for you, and any mistakes you make should be your own.

  5. Tell them that your at the age when life is your decision


  6. Really show your parents why you're passionate about photography - show them that you have the talent and the flair, and hopefully they will start to take you seriously.

    Do not lose your temper with them or act like a child. You need to show them university is a big step towards maturity. Sit them down and tell them you appreciate they like languages etc, but it's not what you want to do - this is YOUR degree, not THEIRS.

  7. He cannot fill in your UCAS form for you. For a start you need a buzzword from your school/college and how would he know that?

    Prove to your parents how passionate you are about photography and explain to them that is what you want to do, and explain that you want to go the uni that offers the best photography degree whether it's close to home or not. Reassure them that you'll come back and visit them (if that's what they're worred about) and talk to them in an adult and mature manner. DO NOT shout, scream, slam doors, whine or act like a child.

    Good luck :)

  8. You can tell your parent how you feel, someday you will blow your brain up and scream their ear off.

    You are 18 right now? If so, ignore your parent, and go off being photography.

    I know its not easy because you love them, right?

    My mom's grandma is like that, until my mom pour a pop on her head... Then they havent talk in a year. Then my grandma is sorry about what she have done...

    Your parent wants you to have great life.

  9. it is all your choice  and you can decide for youself

  10. It is YOUR life and not your parents. IT makes me so mad when parents like yours try to make you study for something you don;t want to do.

    My parents were the same and would not let me enrole at college to do hairdressing. Instead they wanted me to be a nurse. And so i did. I love my job but it makes you wonder what would have been had i done what i wanted to do.

    You need to be strong, respectful but firm and state what YOU want to study and make it plain that you do not wish to do a language or psychology!

    Also fill out the application forms yourself. If you have any further problems then maybe involve another relative or even the college, school or whereever you are studying at the mo.

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