
Cool basketball video....?

by  |  earlier

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this video has helped me to become the basketball player i am today....




  1. wow thats the worst video ive ever seen. and the worst bball players ever!!!!!!!  

  2. oh wow!!!!!!!! thank you sooo much... this video helped me so much!!! i even got the "part 2" of "best basketball" series; you have no clue how it helped my on my jump shot... also, im not picked last anymore... im not picked first either, but its a massive improvement!!!!

    THANX Best Basketball!!!!


  3. LMFAO! You think I want advice from 10 year olds?

  4. This is the worst video ever...if you want to learn how to play basketball the best thing you can do is not watch that video. Ask someone who is really good at basketball to help you, not some ten year-olds on youtube.  

  5. Yea i'm sure that video got you nowhere

  6. that video wouldnt really help you in basketball...

  7. You must suck at basketball.

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