
Cops Walking the Beat?

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I live in a mid-sized city with probably an average crime rate (high in some areas of the city). There are a couple popular areas where there are a lot of bars/nightlife and subsequntly trouble sometimes-from urinating in public to fights and sometimes worse, like the occasional shooting-if beat cops patrolled these areas regularly, wouldn't this be greatly reduced? Yet, i don't think we have any beat cops here-is it like that everywhere? why? I think their presense would be a huge deterrant.




  1. I'm a dispatcher for a 911 center in my town. The city I live in has a population of approx 60,000 citizens. Our city is divided into 4 Zones. We have between 2 and 3 officers per zone which patrol and answer emergency calls. In addition to that we have 2-4 officers that roam all the zones and take calls or respond as backup for the zone officers. If you turn that into a math equation, there are 2-3 officers for every 15,000 people in our city. Sadly, this ratio is not uncommon for any agency. Now, with that being said, the sad truth is that crime is going to happen regardless. Areas such as bars, clubs and anywhere groups of people gather is going to have problems especially when alcohol is involved. Unfortunately the problem with extra patrolling lies in funding. There just isn't enough money from the city governments to properly staff public safety positions. Many agencies are so understaffed that they stay covered up with calls the entire shift. This is not good because it prevents them from taking time to patrol areas that need it. I will also add that some agencies are poorly managed and they do not budget their grant money well that the government gives them for special programs to help build rapport with the community and fight crime. I would suggest visiting your City Commission meeting and voice your concerns. They are the decision makers in your town.  

  2. Some cities have gone back to the beat cop but with a twist. Las Vegas NV and Apple Valley CA, both have bike cops. They obviously have a better chance to get up close with what's going on right on the streets.

    I know this program has been very effective in Las Vegas and as soon as AV gets a few more deputies, it will be effective there as well.

  3. Cops seem to have a knack for finding guys urinating in public, whether they walk a beat or not.

      I think it matters more where you do it, than if you do it. A storm drain or on the grass is probably not a problem.

  4. I live in a City of around 1,000,000 + people. I have worked as a beat cop in the CBD which is the hub of our Licenced venues (400+).

    Sadly this does not deter public urination or fights, admittedly we don't have shootings but we do have glassings which I consider much worse given all the glasses available in licenced venues.

    I can't tell you if it would be different if we were not there, but all those offences still go on even with our presence on the street
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