
Cornwall independent?

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i was reading a few days ago that down south ,that cornish people dont see themselves as British why they see themselves as CELTIC ? anyone please explain




  1. If they see themselves as Celtic that would make them descendants of Celtic invaders , so that would make the people no different from any other people living here as the true Cornish folk have more in common with the folk in Iberia genetically than any Celt. Having said that though I have found the Cornish to be the freindliest people in the world.

  2. We aren't British - We are Cornish!

    We our are own Country, separated from Devon by the Tamar Bridge!

  3. Yeah? Well, I was born in Cornwall, although I no longer live there, and I have to say I am extremely proud of the fact! Cornwall is God's own country.

  4. were learning bout cornwell for r summer test

    please tell me whatever you no bout him seeing as i no nothing ;)

  5. They see themselves as British but not English. Some of them would prefer a separate country but still as part of the UK, like Wales and Scotland. The Cornish are a Celtic people who wish to protect their culture and their language. Sometimes this manifests itself in unlawful action, such as vandalising English Heritage signs and putting up "English Out" graffiti in prominent positions throughout Cornwall.

  6. Why is this in Royalty?

    Anyway, they just see themselves as different because they come mainly from a different Celtic tribe to the English (we aren't Anglo-Saxon btw. Genetics proves it).

  7. Cornwall has its own language which, although long extinct, has been revived in recent years.  The Briton culture survived in Cornwall more than places further east which became more anglo-Saxon, but the idea of Celts really dates to 19th century romanticism and has little basis in fact.  Cumbria also has a an old language, but they do not (yet) claim not to be English.  With movement of populations, these things become more irrelevant in reality, but at the same time people like to romanticise themselves as some sort of separate nation and there is a big rush to be not-English.  God knows why.  The English are alright.  Cornwall is part of England and the Celts don't really exist, but say that to some people and they go all Braveheart on you.

  8. because every one  wants to keep their heritage & nolonger  be classed as one big unit,

    home rule for yorkshire the biggest county &  one  enngland could  not be without,

    home rule for lancashire,

    home rule  for northumberland infact lets all break free,

  9. It has always been a bone of contention with the Cornish, being part of of the UK and many Cornish people seek independence.

    This goes back to the Dark Ages when the Kingdom of Dumnonia stretched from Lands End to the city of Gloucester. Dumnonia was ruled by a Celtic King from Castle Dore just outside the town of Fowey on the B3082.

    One of the Kings of Dumnonia was Cunomorus, cousin to King Arthur. His son, Drustanus, is commemorated on a stone on the edge of Fowey.

    After the battle of Dyrham in 577 CE, the city of Gloucester was wrested from Dumnonia and the border shrank back to nearer Somerset.

    Cornwall has always been Celtic, with very strong links to Brittany in France. When I last visited Cornwall, most of the villages and towns were losing their identity and becomming quaint tourist attractions.

    I think severence from the UK would be the last thing they need.

  10. Cornwall is gorgeous, but I wonder where they would get the money to be independent?
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