
Costco Job application process?

by  |  earlier

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I currently work at Sears and was told that they were building a Costco and that they start pay at 11 so wanting something better I applied on-line on July 17; some other people from work had also applied. The next morning they called me for an interview for Monday at 10:20 a.m., I was the only one called, we think it’s because I am bilingual. So on Monday morning I arrived there at 10:00 I went in the temporary office across the street and was asked if I could be helped, I told them I was there for an Interview, so I have my interview with a man and a women they asked a bunch of question of what I do in Sears, I answered all the question truthfully and they guy told me it was looking very good and we finished the interview by 10:20, the following day I went to work in the morning shift and when I got out and my father picks me up he told me a postcard came in the mail saying that I did not get the job, when I took a closer look at the postcard I looked for the date they stamped it with and maybe the time, well I found it was postmarked on Monday and had to be sent in that same day early in the morning so It could have arrived the next day. I was mad about the whole situation why would they call me for an interview the next day; why would they call me for an interview and then not choose me it felt like a waste of time. What should I do about the whole situation should I call them back and ask what I did wrong during the interview, or why I was not chose? I kept the number from the guy who had called me in for the interview, or should I just wait a couple of months and reapply?

I guess the GM just looks at the application and if he doesn't like what he sees he just scrapes the application, I feel the whole situation was unfair.




  1. If your screen name is close to your real name, are you by chance non-white? I hate to say it, but they probably had to interview a certain percentage of ethnic races so they can't be accused of favoring one over another. They probably had no intention of hiring you from the start, but had to go through the motions to make it look good for whoever oversees the hiring policies in the company.

    That's just my guess. I feel I have gone to interviews like that as well. I recently went to a group interview where I was much more qualified than the other five candidates for the position that was being offered. But apparently I wasn't even seriously considered for it.

    Thanks for wasting my time you stupid company!!!

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