
Cotto Mayweather who would win?

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i want mayweather n cotto to go at it , but im tired of people sayin mayweather will win , that is bull****, floyd didnt even fight that much big named opponents ,if they were bigged named they were old such as , DLH, n Gatti, Cotto fought better opponents, the best opponent he fought was mosely, and he gave mosely a run for his money, so i am confused, who would win Cotto or Mayweather? i think cotto because he pressured his opponents to the ropes n body puched them, and combinations from every where, i think that is mayweathers weakness, so who do you think would win, and why???




  1. If Cotto trains hard and comes in ready to fight !!He would give Floyd a good beating!!

  2. First of all, get your facts straight.  Floyd has beat Castillo twice, Jesus Chaves twice, Coralles, Gatti (wasnt past his prime), Judah, DLH, and Hatton just to name a few.  DLH is the only one who could even b considered past his prime.  And he's won titles in 5 classes.

    Cotto has beat Malignaggi, Judah, Quintana and a washed up Mosley (which could have gone either way).  How is that better than Floyds resume?  Do you even watch boxing?  Im supprised you know who Cotto is.

    The fight hasn't happened yet cuz its not worth Pretty Boys time to take it yet.  Once Cotto gets a few more wins, its on.  And Floyd is way to fast for Cotto.  Money May in 11.

  3. mayweather would win, but it will be at least next summer or autumn before it happens......if pbf waits too long, then it could be a different story.

  4. i don know about cotto ....... but floyd is pretty much speedy ...... and he has a record of 39-0

  5. cotto

  6. Cotto will win he has almost same def as floyd and he hits harder and he could take many punches and wont get knockout!!!

  7. cotto, but that fight could be very dificult, mayweather is an oportunist


  8. I'd be cheering my butt off for Cotto, but unfortunatly I think Floyd would pick him apart.  For years I said that Cotto would have a decent chance in that he applies effective pressure, without throwing a barrage of shots.  I felt Cotto would bust Floyd up to the arms as he did guys like Abdulaev & Branco, and tear up his body in the later rounds.  I like you felt the mauling and body punching that help Castillo suceed in the 1st fight was the key to beating Mayweather, but after seeing De La Hoya & Hatton both try to bully Floyd around and rip up his body and arms with little success I just cant see Cotto doing much differently

  9. I believe Floyd Mayweather would take Miguel Cotto by decision. I do think that Cotto would give Mayweather some problems in the first two or three rounds, but after once Mayweather figures out Cotto's limitations, then Floyd will mostly coast his way to an easier than what many may think victory.

    Cotto's pressure style is not going to mean much, if he doesn't keep Mayweather on the ropes, especially in the corner. That's where Cotto works best. Mayweather is not going to simply allow himself to sit in one spot. You can best believe that Mayweather will use all of the ring and make Cotto work for every punch that he can connect. Personally, I don't think Cotto jabs enough or effectively to help his own chances against Mayweather. Even when he does jab, they are not, in my opinion, quick jabs. All those short and hooking punches that Cotto throws can easily be countered by Mayweather. All the bodyshots that many like to mention about Cotto.... well don't expect for Cotto to land many of them. Mayweather's style and quickness are great for available those type of shots.

    In the end, you'll notice the speed and defense difference between the two fighters. Miguel Cotto gets hit a lot and that's what the judges are going to see, though it will be in spurts.

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