
Cotton balls good for hamster bedding?

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Cotton balls good for hamster bedding?




  1. not really because they can get caught up and choke use pain toilet roll that is adicute

  2. No!

    Cotton balls, fluffy bedding, pine bedding, and cedar bedding are definitely not good at all!

    You are better off with shredded paper, CareFresh, or Aspen bedding!

  3. Im assuming you mean for them to tear up for their bed, not for their entire cage right?

    In that case I would say a couple cotten balls would be fine.

  4. no it is not it could eat it just like newspaper and it will not work so you need sawdust beeding go to the pet store to get some

  5. No they will eat the cotton balls and get sick and perhaps die.

  6. I have cut up old socks or given bits of paper towel to my hamster to use in their nest.  I wouldn't use it as the bedding exclusively.  Also, be careful with newspaper because the ink can stain them and probably isn't too good for them.

  7. no they can choch!!!but tiolet paper and tishus

  8. Cotton balls are ok, sometimes rodents like variety though. I have a gerbil and she has shredded computer paper as the main bedding-then I added:

    kleenex/tissues I rip them into squares usually although you don't have to

    paper towels-same technique

    I wouldn't use cotton balls as the main bedding-But those are good as extra bedding materials-

    as a base try shredded computer paper-at least three inches so they can tunnel-or use carefresh-just don't use pine or cedar because inhaling the phenols is bad for the respiratory tract. Also never give towels because the threads could tangle him up.

  9. no doubt it they would probably eat them.

  10. no. cotton balls shred way to much for hamsters. it could be dangerous for them. accidentally swallowing some. i recommend this bedding:

    and i recommend using UNSCENTED toilet paper, tissues and paper towels. after ripping it up a little my rodents love to rip up the rest. its a little activity for them that they enjoy.

  11. Not really because it isn't absorbant and you will need to change the bedding again a lot sooner that with actually bedding.  Not to mention the smell will accumulate much faster.

  12. Cotten should not be used for hamster bedding. Hamsters have a habit of stuffing bedding into their cheek pouches for shifting from one place to another in the cage. Cotton is made of fibres and has the problem of getting entangled in the hamster cheek pouches and their small paws, can cause impacted cheek pouches or result in hair ball condition. Both the mentioned conditions are dangerous conditions for hamsters and are best avoided.

    The best bedding for hamsters is aspen shavings or Carefresh. Do not use pine / cedar shavings as they have dust and can form phenols on contact with the hamster urine. The following link will give you a list of good commercial bedding that can be used for your hamster -

    I personally use ripped toilet paper mixed with aspen shavings and have had no problem with this bedding for the past so many years of my having hamsters. Always use only unbleached, untreated and non fragrant toilet paper. Rip it up and mix it with some aspen shavings for the bedding. Do not throw the empty toilet roll tubes. Give them to your hammies who like them as toys for gnawing and tunneling.

  13. if they swallow this they can choke. use shredded paper towels instead.

  14. no, they has chemicals in them.

  15. no...cause if that hamster eats it he can choke on it..u should really use like some shavings from pets super market.there like 4.50 i just got one really works

  16. not really

    id use newspaper.

    allthough its comfy it soaks up everything and will stink after a day. not to mention its easy to tangle around there feet.

    go to the nearest petstore ask what you can use theyll show you some bedding you could use or some around the house items .

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