
Cough?? i got hit...?

by  |  earlier

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the other day we were practicing at volleyball, and when someone served, i went to hand-pass it, but it grazed my fingers and hit where the neck and chest meet...

ever since then, i've had a bad cough...only when i get out of breath, laughing, or working hard...

is it just cuz of the hit?? the trainer guy at school (like a dr.) checked it out right after, and he said nuthin was wrong with it..

i think i got hit on wednesday




  1. Part of it is probably becasue you got hit there but since it only hurts when you laugh or get out of breath i dont think its anything to serious. You're probably coughing becasue of the immediate after effects of gtting hit so give it a couple fo days and drink fluids to keep your throat from drying and making you cough more.

  2. idk..i would go to the doctor and ask him about it.....

  3. Why panic the flu is around early tis year cover up when U cough that will the solution...PeAcE

  4. Talk to your parents. The Dr. is most likely closed today. (its Sunday)  Maybe you should see the trainer guy again. Or the school nurse.

  5. Having that cough is not from getting hit in the are probably just sick right i wouldnt be worried that the hit caused you to start coughing....but if you are really worried, i would take a trip to the real doctor!!
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