
Could I be developing a phobia?

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Okay, so I just posted this question:

Could I be developing a phobia?

Well, I am not scared to leave the house, but, im 13, and I have been bullied all my life, and I HATE going out in public, because I cant stand people staring at me! I hate it, in case I see people from school, as they make fun of me and my mum.

I hate going out, and if I could choose I would probably never go out.

Am I developing a phobia?

So, I went downstairs and asked my dad when we are going to a them park, and he said ‘ no sorry Lexi, I don’t want people to see me ‘ he obviously said this to mock me, I walked out slammed the door, went up stairs, and I herd my mum saying that I need help, and that I have something wrong with me..

What should I do?

I don’t want to go and see any one.




  1. If people make fun of you and your mom, this is a very real reason why you don't want to be around others.  Because this is so upsetting for you, counseling could help you begin to better manage the feelings that make you want to stay home.  Take care of this while you are still young so you can live a full and happy life.   Please reach out for that help.   Good Luck.

  2. You could have social Anxiety. Try to talk with someone about how you feel. You will have to go out, it's life.

    All the best.

  3. You kind of sound like you are whining. Who exactly is making fun of you and your mom in public?

  4. i dont thinkk that you have a problem or a pheobia. i would be scared too. i think that you are being bullied and need to see a counceler

  5. show this question to your Dad maybe he may think twice about teasing you in future you need sympathetic parents who will encourage you with your strengths and help you with your weaknesses good luck for the future

  6. you could be...

  7. My heart goes out to you. My son which is now 28 was bullied severely mostly all thru school. We took him to a councilor and she advised us to take him out and either home school or find a private school for him.We did take him out but it was in the 11th grade and the damage had been done. He now has schizophrenia disorder. I am in no way saying you will develop this, but yes you prob.. do already have a mild phobia. For your father to make sarcastic remarks is totally out of line, he doesn't realize how bad you feel. Talk to your mother about seeing your family dr. about this . You will most likely need to start on a mild medication for the stress you are undertaking. If your mom will not homeschool you or take you to a different school then you will need something to help you cope, I would suggest a low dosage of paxil, starting out very slow. It will take 4 weeks to help a  lot, at first you will be sleepy feeling but it will pass and you will feel more confident and will be able to cope with all of that. I wish now I had of done more, but hind site is 20/20. My son does pretty good now and we are fighting this disorder with everything we know how to do. Again my heart goes out to you! If your mom will not help then go to the school guidance or councilor office. They will seek the help you need, and don't make lite of it when you talk to them, tell it like it is. I love you, you are special and God certainly has a good plan for you. Hang in there now, chin up. You can email me if u want.  

  8. I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM! I WAS TEASED ALOT , about anything they can think of.... I KNOW HOW THIS CAN REALLY HURT YOUR SELF ESTEEM.. your parents are being adults ... sometimes we dont understand everything and dont remember how hard it is to impress people at your age... many times you need to be strong and just deal with the bad things people say.... trust me i know it is hard, i dealt with alot of teasing and fighting but you have to keep your head up and know that those ppl who are teasing you are immature.they are not the one who you need in the long run, they may actually need you. i am doing much better than the people who teased me now..and many of them actually like me and are jelous of me now.. your features change as you get older too, but you have to belive in yourself and be confident for others to stop teasing you; i dont know what problems you are going though but you can contact me for help at any time.... i understand... go to the theme park and have fun, dont worry what people think of you; you are an individual, and thats great, locking yourself in the house will only cause more harm.....

  9. It sounds like you are developing Social Anxiety.  I have experienced what you have starting as a kid in elementary school.  However, you have to work on the fact that what people say about you is not who you are.  Only you know who you really are.  You should work on increasing your self-esteem and be good to yourself.

    There are things that you can do to help yourself.  I recommend a book called "Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness".  You can buy it in a book store and it is in paperback.  I also want to recommend a book by Jodee Blanco, and it is called "Please Stop Laughing At Me".

    Don't let what others say about you keep you from experiencing and enjoying life.

  10. A fear of leaving the house is called Agoraphobia, but this is usually being scared of open spaces, your not afraid to go out but afraid of being bullied whilst your out, tell your mum and dad about it. Dont let people bother you if they take the p*ss theyre not your Friends so why care what they think of you. Your not gonna let some b*****s ruin your life.

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