So, I tried the Zenner card test...I'm not sure if it works or not. It's just I have deja vu and things like that a lot. So, I wanted to try it. Well, I'd pick a symbol and get it right, but then usually get a few wrong. But the thing is is I think I go against my gut feeling/ inner voice. Every time I got a symbol wrong, it was what I thought it would be in the back of my head. Maybe I think things over too much?
That tends to happen with a lot of things- I'll think something, but then brush it aside. Then, it turns out I was right in the first place. A few examples of other "psychic like" moments are these: Ferrari. It's a movie I'd never heard of until one day this summer. SAME DAY, I walk in a room and someone on the TV says Ferrari. And a few days before that I'd heard a word in a song- a song I hadn't heard in a long time- and a few hours later a movie with that title comes on that I hadn't seen in a long time. And the words in the song were just random words I'd heard when I payed attention to the radio. I've had dreams that come true also. It's weird.
Could this mean that I have some type of psychic ability? Is it intuition that I need to pay more attention to or what? I'd also like to learn how to control this more if I could.