
Could I have a Yeast Infection??

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Okay so today me and my boyfriend where kinda fooling around just touchy not s*x or anything it, and i made him stop soon after cause it was hurting my v****a, and its never been liek this before. Now my v****a hurts so bad, like when i walk and even when i sit here. It's like red and puffy around my hole. I know this is gross but my moms asleep and i need some answers!! please help!! :(




  1. just had to comment-DO NOT put vaseline in the v****a. it is not water soluble, you don't want that going in you, you will have big problems. if you aren't bleeding, you are probably ok, but if it is still sore, tell your mom in the morning, and see what she thinks, you usually only get a yeast infection from taking antibiotics, unless your boyfriend was very dirty, i don't think he could have passed anything to you with his hands. and besides that, you don't get the kind of symptoms you have from a yeast infection. that isn't your problem.

  2. It could just be irritated...don't freak out's possible that your boyfriend had something on his hands that irritated your vaginal area...most times with yeast infections you will itch really bad at first...then get the cottage cheese discharge and smell beer or bread when you take your panties off...just keep an eye on it and see how it goes the next couple of days. Get some vaseline for right now and rub just a little on there and see if that makes it feel a little better or take a cool bath..then put the vaseline on there...and if it doesn't feel better by the morning talk to your mom...

  3. I have the same issue. If you were fooling around rough thats where it  may have come from. If you were dry and he was touching you, it will swell up. It may be a yeast infection, but i can assure you the puffyness will be gone by at least tomorrow night. the longest Ive ever had this is about 36 hours. just try notto irritate it. youll be ok. i had this happen saturday night.  

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