
Could I make it on Broadway?

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  1. Yes you have a great energy about you. Just work on your technique a little. Broadway is very competitive, but your a superstar. Can you answer my question on my name and questions. Thanks

  2. Maybe. But you'll be facing lots and lots and lots of stiff competition. You sing very well. But signing isn't enough, you  should be able to sing, act, sign and act at the same time, dance at least some jazz and tap, and these days hip hop helps too.  You should also have 110% confidence that you will make it despite how much rejection you get.  

    And even then it will still be out of your hands and come down to weather a director likes you or not.

    All that said:  There is also a LOT of professional theater out there that is not Broadway so no matter what if you dedicate to your dream you will make it!

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