
Could flees really hurt my cat?

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We sprayed her with this spray we bought but they are still there! They are on my dog now, but we have stuff we can give him from the vet we got a while ago. We can't afford to take my kitten to the vet right now, and I don't want her to get sick...Is there anything else I can try? I'm giving her another bath today with Ivory Soap? Thanks For Helping :/




  1. wash kitty in an oatmeal flea shampoo for cats,not can purchase ultra guard one spot treatment for cats and kittens by hartz  at your local walmart for about 6 dollars,you break the capsule open on the back of the neck ,this will help for 30 days.repeat after 30 days.

  2. Purchase some Advantax or its counterpart.  Borrow the money pay $5.00 per week to your benefactor. Bug your vet!!    When you FINALLY have it,  follow, the instructions and ...You will never have another flee problem on your cat or on your dog.  

    You can also ask someone to sell you one application for your kitty.  

    When you are broke you have to get creative, when you are attacked by fleas you have to kill them.


    IF YOU HAVE FLEAS IN YOUR CARPET OR RUGS, purchase some powdered **** and Span.    

    Lightly sprinkle it over your entire carpet and allow to remain for one or two days.  Then, vacuum the flloor and repeat the application,  I promise you, you will no longer have a flee problem in your home, or on you animals.  

    It is more difficult to have them removed from your pets, especially if they are allowed to go outside.

    I sense that you cannot afford the Advantage, Advantex.  or Frontline, Advantex is best (which ever spelling is correct)  

    Purchase it as soon as possible Maybe the vet will let you purchase on lay away.

    In the meantime use the powdered **** and Span.  

    Lastly, if you have the stomach for it, or even if you dont, to remove as many fleas as possible by hand, put a solution of dish detertent and water into eye dropper and nail those fleas with a drop on each one you see. (REMEMBER THIS IS WAR!!!)  They die quickly as they cannot breathe the detergent solution.

    By the way, flee infestation can cause horrible problems for your animals health, and they hurt you and your guest feet when they bite humans.

    This will definately help you.  I promise.

  3. put a small amount of garlic in their food it works  

  4. Stop bathing the cat all the time.  It's terrible for her skin.  

    The only thing that reliably gets rid of fleas is flea prevention medication.  If your cat is old enough to receive the medication, you don't have to take her to the vet to get it.  Just buy it online.  Alternately, you can ask if you could just get one dose from the vet instead of a whole package.  I took in a stray that had some fleas and my vet gave him a dose of Advantix and charged me like $7 for it.

  5. I have always heard to use lemon joy.  It does work.  Also, you can boil a lemon and spray her with the cooled liquid.  Vacuum a lot it kills the fleas in the house..

  6. Bathing will do nothing. Take it to the vet. Flea treatment will be about £10 for a spot on for a cat. Get a spray for the house. You should be treating your animals for fleas and worms every 3 months. If you cant afford to do this get them re-homed. Flea and worm treatment is preventative and needs to be topped up.

    And in answer to your question yes fleas can really hurt your cat. They can cause life long skin problems.

    Also dont buy a cheap alternative from wal-mart or a supermarket. Honestly they DO NOT WORK.

  7. first, you shouldn't get a pet unless you can be responsible for it.  that's not fair to get it bc it's cute and you want it and then not be able to take care of it.

    you need to treat your dog AND your cat for fleas.  even if your dog has preventive stuff on him, he can still bring the fleas in on him and hten they will bite your cat.  both need treatment.

    you also need ot probably treat your home.  if they're in your house, you can bathe the cat and then they'll just hop right back on when you are done.

    you need to treat the home, bath the animals, and then keep them on something preventive.  at the very least, flea collars.

    i've heard dish soap is good... don't know about ivory soap although i don't see how it could be harmful.  i think i used dial soap when i gave mine a bath.

  8. fleas are so hard to get rid of!!  i'm sorry to say, you really have to shell out the money for either advantage or frontline (about $50).  we just had to do that for our cats, and we had to bring them to a groomer for a "flea dip" (another $75 for both cats).  it's worth the money though, because a flea infestation is horrible!!!  we had it so bad we had to get an exterminator.  another $350!  stop them before they get out of control!

  9. Yes fleas can hurt your cat and dog. If you are low on funds there are flea treatments that you can get at Wal-Mart that are affordable. Good Luck

    P.S.- Cats do not like the smell of citrus so Lemon scented soap may not be a good idea.

  10. Use this stuff called dip, and make sure to clean your carpets really well.

  11. I go to a pet supply store where I live, they what is called a cap-star pill, just check, at a pet store, that's where I get both my dog and cat 's fles application, seems cheaper.

    Yes your cat can get sick, fleas suck blood, that what the bit is.

  12. nothing else really. buy some medicine from the store for ten dollars.

  13. Sorry, but while a tiny amount of garlic might be safe, you have no way of knowing the proper dose for a kitten, and it could be fatal.

    Trying to comb your cat with a flea comb, and dipping the comb in water to kill the fleas, and keeping it up is the really only good way if the kitten is very small.  Your cat will get wet from the flea comb, which will aid you, and then you dry the kitten off.  And, keep changing the towels or clothes in the sleeping area to try and keep ahead of the fleas.

    Under 8 -12 weeks, and most flea treatments are not suitable for a kitten.

  14. bathes are the safest way to help Kitty

    yes, they can hurt kitty, they can drink her blood and cause her to be anemic and when she licks herself she will eat them and that will give her worms.

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