
Could i be having a baby.?

by  |  earlier

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well im 14 and my period shuld of been here yesterday i had s*x 2 weeks ago with a condom and now my period is late and im nausous and having a headache and im soooo tired. which is not like me. 12 days after i had s*x i was spotting ligh pink blood and it stopped like 1 minute after. and now its 17 days since i had protected s*x and im really scared tht i might be pregnant becuz im only 14 years old. could i be having a baby?




  1. I would buy a test and I would calm down about It cause chances R u arent pregnant and U are young so ur period is going to be irregular

  2. Well it depends on how much s*x you've had. The very first time I had s*x I was experiencing different things. When you have s*x for the first time, or first couple of times, your hormones go crazy biut then start to regulate.

    But if you are really unsure you should take a home test.

  3. possible but all those are symptoms of a normal period to, all you can do is buy a test, but wait a few days just 1day late is way to soon to start worrying

  4. I dont think you are pregnant

  5. to me it sounds as if u r , ur symptoms are those of early pregnancy and around the time of ur period u had light spotting which could have been implantation bleed, which is when the egg attaches itself to ur uterus and above all u late, i was 13 wen i first got pregnant , if uve only just started having periods then fair enough u could be irregular , but if u have a nornal cycle every 28 i would say you are pregnant, take an online quiz, and go to ur dr, or teenage clinic and get a free pregnancy test done

    gd luck!

  6. defenitly take a at home test just in case. its a 50% chance you are and its normal to miss your period sometimes my bestfriend and i got it on the same day and she hasnt had it again for 3 months and shes a virgin so  shes not pregnant. so just check

  7. maybe in 9 months

  8. Take a pregnancy test - If positive - Get ready for life young lady. If negative - STOP having s*x until you're old enough, protected or unprotected !!

  9. yep go get a pregnancy test good luck with your baby be a good mother

  10. YOUR 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!you shouldn't be having s*x in the first please

  11. You might be go get a home test and if you have a free clinic to there and take one

  12. I hate to say this, but Yahoo Answers is not a pregnancy test.

    Those are sold in drug stores everywhere.  Go take one of those.  Only that will tell the true story.

    Best of luck!

  13. It sounds like you might be. Go buy a HPT...

  14. I doubt it. At your age it is common for your periods to be irregular.

  15. a preg. test && find out.. i relly hope yur not cuz.. yur too yung.. but if yu are.. jus be da best mommy yu can be..

  16. Any time you have s*x, you are opening up the possibility to having a baby.  

    If you're worried, pee on the stick and read your fortune. That's the easiest way to tell quickly.

    PS:  Putting it off isn't going to make it go away, you know.

  17. your 14!!!!!!!! omg you are wayyyyyyy too young to be having s*x. someone should slap you.

  18. it could be possible and then it could be wrong because at the age of 14 your period is still irregular. if you wanna make sure than you should get a home pregnancy test.

  19. coniquences consiquences for breaking one of gods 10 commandmants!!!!!!!!!! remember tho shalt not commit adultery

  20. Yes, you could be. Take a home test just to make sure!

  21. not if u used a condom

  22. you might just wait another week and take a pregnancy test and go to the doctorr

  23. prego test asap

  24. why the  heck did you have s*x at 14? It's possible that you might be pregnant but not certain. Sure you can always use a condom, but we all know that condoms aren’t 100% safe, there is always that chance you are taking. A baby may be the outcome, you have to learn to take responsibility of your actions.

  25. Hello sweetie. I wouldn't worry too much just yet.

    The ususal symptoms of pregnancy are a missed period, feelings of nausea, tender b*****s, food cravings, feeling tired, frequently needing a wee, altered sense of taste, etc. and a positive pregnancy test result - you can get one free from your doctor or buy one from your local chemists, drugstore, supermarket... A pregnancy test will not be accurate until about 5 days after your missed period but it is advisable that you go and get one as soon as possible, even if it is just to put your mind at ease.

    As you are only 14, it could just be that your cycle is still irregular and that your period will come later on in the month. Worrying obsessively can also affect the hormones in your body causing your perid to be late or rarely not happen altogether.

    Hope this helps. xx

  26. Sounds like you could be. I was very very tired when i was pregnant, im 24. I would go take a home pregnancy test, even the walmart equate brand works (its like $7). You may want to contact planned parenthood or a womens clinic even if you are not they can get you on a program for free birth control.. then you can be on the pill and use a condom ans wont have to worry about std's and babies. The program here in FL is called teen time from planned parenthood and is 100% free for teenagers.

  27. might be..take a test, and if it's positive, I hope all goes well with you

  28. It's possible, but if you're only a day late... it might be the fact that you're worrying about it. I've never had s*x (and I'm older than you are- for the record, you shouldn't be having s*x at 14) and there have been months where I was irrationally worried about pregnancy and, resultingly, I was late.

    Buy a home test if you're really concerned.

  29. My dear Mae....

    Why do such young "ladies" like you first think of the "outcome" when it may be ... TOOOOO  LATE ??? Why not take  : pre-cautionary-measures???? I don't understand this at all !!! Don't you have enough ..."sense" to go & speak with your MOM ??? When my daughter had her first boyfriend (at 14 yrs.) I took her to the GYN immediately to get her the "pill" prescribed, so she would NOT have to "sit-around" like you & wonder wether she might be pregnant -or- NOT??? You should bring up as much trust into your MOM to talk seriously with her ! Point out the fact, that you  ARE  sexually active & rather to suffer the consequences, she should make some type of birthcontrol available for you!!!! Please... do  NOT  have any more UNPROTECTED  s*x in the future, I beg you!!! Concentrate on your education & speak with your MOM !!!

    Wishing you all the best for a decent future!Greetings from Germany.... Annette***

  30. my suggestion is that you take a pregnancy test,

    and sorry, not a cheap one.

    go with a higher end, more accurate one.

    odds are you wouldnt be getting symptoms like that so early,

    and you wouldnt spot like that...

    was it your first time?

    you could also go to your local health clinic and get tested anonymously and without parent consent.

    i hope everything goes well with you[:

    ps: if you are pregnant, keep your baby

    its the easiest way to save a life, so be a hero!

    babies are miracles, you could always give someone else the joy(:

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