
Could i be this time?

by  |  earlier

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i am freaking out, my period is due tomorrow and me and my partner are trying for our second only it is taking us 8 months! i have had mild cramping on and off since just after i ovulated, sore b***s and a couple of days ago i felt a little faint, why would i be getting these mild cramps? i tested 2 days ago and it was negative but it was too early, i have been told it is best to test after your period is due? my friend tested a week early and she just found out she is pregnant




  1. if you have cramps you are probly starting your period tomarow. i always get cramps before  

  2. it is not a contest!!   So relax and it will happen.  Turning it into what you are doing makes you tense and unreceivable.  Have your male cool his gonads with an ice-pack before doing it.  Warm testicles do not deliver the goods as well.  

  3. yes thats the best time and with the first morning urine GOOD LUCK !  

  4. To put your mind at ease do a pregnancy test after your period is due.  This will give you a more accurate result.  

    Your friend was probably just lucky, not everybody has that luck!

    You could try the Preg tests which detect up to 4 days early.

    Pregnancy symptoms are similar to period symptom (sore b***s and mild cramps) not sure about feeling faint though.

    I'd say test after your period is due so you know for sure! :-)

    Good luck! xOx

  5. if you were feeling faint, you could be. i suggest taking pregnancy tests mabe like once a day after your period is due

  6. maybe ....dont try so hard and it will happen believe me

  7. it seems you are pregnant...i would wait till after tommorow and buy numerous pregnancy tests because some dont work....i hope all goes well and god bless you and your partner and your future child!

    GOOD LUCK!  =D

  8. Yeah it's best to wait until you've missed a period.  Some people have really strong hormones and can test early and find out.  Others don't.  I waited two weeks to take a test because it took us 10 months to finally get pregnant.  A sign of pregnancy is mild cramping like PMS, but sometimes it's just PMS.  Good luck with everything!

  9. as ur doctor!

  10. you could be, maybe you need fertility help if youre having trouble, your b***s could be sore because of the period.  

  11. I took 20 pee tests and one urine test at my doctors all came back NEGATIVE but I was already 7 weeks pregnant I still had no period and so I took a blood test and It confirmed it ... POSITIVE ...

    Dont trust those pee tests all the time ... they are a rip off ...

    I hope you are pregnant and the first sign I was were my b***s were really sore so you could be ... wait a week if you still have not menstrated then go to a lab and get a blood test ... they are more accurate ... my test was only $20 and it took 15 minutes for the results ...

    Good luck :)  

  12. You probably aren't pregnant. Sorry.

    But you should still try after you're sure you regular menstruating time have passed. Then you might just have some results.

    But this is really something to talk to a doctor with. He can probably shine a little more light on your situation.

  13. oh,ur period,cramps just happen,u know u have ur period,so a must happen

  14. Sometimes you get your periods when you have already conceived.  so i would wait till after your period to take the test.  Don't loose hope.  you might have already conceived.
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