
Could i still be ???

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if i have been seeing my period but always a week late all the time could i be pregant but i havent seen this moth yet???




  1. I could just mean you are ovulating at a later time. Have you tested yourself?? If this is already the second or third month any HPT should work by now if you are indeed pregnant. Last month I really made myself beleive I was pregnant and it pushed back my period about 3weeks but it finally showed. The best thing to do is do a test or go to your dr's or a free clinic.

  2. Eh - if you are asking if you can bleed when pregnant then yes but only rarely  

  3. could you look at your spelling and punctuation and ask again? I genuinely don't understand what you're asking...

  4. If you consistently get your period a week late (meaning, every 5 weeks or 35 days vs. the "typical" 4 weeks/28 days) then that just means your cycle is longer than "typical" and there's nothing to worry about.  If you are a little later than 5 weeks right now, I'd give it another week or so and see if it comes. If not, then I would take a pregnancy test (an OTC brand).  It's normal for your period to be late due to many reasons: change in diet, routine, stress, illness (even something like a cold), etc.  So I would give it some time. The more you stress about it, the more you could delay the onset of your period.
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