
Could it be kidney stones?

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my boyfriend has really bad pains in his lower back, I mean to the point where we cant even touch it... I mean if it continues we'll take him to the hospital but for now he's just drinking lots of water... witch is not a usual for him... If you know how long do they last?




  1. It may be a kidney stone, I have had 4 of them in 4 years.  It is the worst pain ever, like to the point of vomiting and fainting.  He should drink a lot of water, and even weak lemonade (I make my own with lemon juice).  The only thing that will help the pain is Codeine unfortunately, and I have a small precription botle just in case from my doctor.  The pain can last from 6-48 hours or longer depending on the stone size.  There is not much the doctor can do unless he is not passing urine, really, just give pain meds.  If it is serious he may need an MRI or CT scan to see if his kidney/ureter (sp?) is blocked. Surgery is a last resort if the stone is too big.  I just pass mine at home (afer the first one-I was pregnant for the first 2 I passed).  Mine were quite large at 7-10mm too.  Also, I bled a lot with my stones, my urine was very pink, you can have him pee in a white or paper cup and check that too.  Does he have a fever?  Another possibility is a kidney infection, which is serious and requires antibiotics.  If he has a fever take him to the ER immediately.  Good luck.  ** Oh, if he does pass the store you will actually hear it hit the toilet, and see it.  It IS like a rock, freaks me out every time!!

  2. Yes it could be.  Passing a kidney stone is extremley painfull. Take him to emerge as he needs a diagnostic work up, and if it is a kidney stone he just might pass it on his own.  He need to strain his urine (put a coffee filter in any strainer you have and he pees on it), if he passes a stone bring it to his Dr. as he could have more than one stone. Take his temperature in case he has a kidney or bladder infection, but he needs a medical asessment.

  3. Passing a kidney stone with out intervention can take a week.It would be a good idea to go to the doctor and make sure that he does not have a Kidney infection or other complications.I have passed 12 in the pass 2 yrs.

  4. you could take him to his doctor or urgent care center but he will need some sort of medical attention.. if it is a stone it will have to pass and that can take a while to pass and it will only become more painful

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