
Could someone explain xm radio INNO?

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i am looking to buy an xm radio called INNO, i am not familiar with how these are sold, i am looking for the same type of xm thats availble in the car with the music, news. it says it has 170 digital channels for INNO, are these all the usual channels also in your car xm radio or less? if this isnt the best xm radio out there, which radio is it that has all the channels, not including sports cause im not buying it for that, just news, music




  1. Any XM radio you buy will have the same channels when activated.  The Inno can be used in portable mode (though the reception is marginal unless the little built-in antenna has a clear view of the sky, or you live near a ground repeater).  You can buy car and home docking stations to use the Inno there.

    If you just want an XM radio for the car and home and don't care about portable mode, I would check out the Xpress R and Xpress RC.

  2. The INNO is the same type of satellite receiver, so it will have all the access of any other XM receiver.  The INNO allows you to be portable (which I am not sure with such a small antenna you would get the same reception as the car/home kits with larger antennae) and allows you to record songs to play back at a later time.

    Check the web for reviews of the product from CNET or electronic experts as well as those who own one.

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