
Could someone help me with this?

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According to my family's family tree, before my European ancestors I have ancestors who were from the Middle East, like the area of Syria and Jerusalem, I know that it is very distant, but do I carry some of their DNA?




  1. Exactly!

    That's how the national Genographic project, as well as many other companies, can trace your tribal DNA back 40-50,000 years!

  2. yes

  3. Oh yes, you certainly DO.  We all carry the DNA of everyone who ever occupied a branch on our family tree.

    I read recently that we ALL - that is EVERYONE alive today - have DNA going back to ONE female about 30,000 years ago.  The author called her "Mitochondrial Eve", (but intended no religious significance to be put on the info).

    The same sources and others I have read also promote the idea of a single, original proto-language that all earthly languages grew out of.  As improbable as it seems, though, there ARE words that pop up with amazingly similar pronounciations and meanings in languages from totally disconnected cultures in remotely separated parts of the world.  Celtic and pre-Celtic words and pictorial symbolism show up in the tribal languages and cave paintings of several American Indian tribes.  

    The same mythological legends show up all around the world with little changed but the names of the cast and characters.

    There is a wealth of evidence that has been ignored, misinterpreted, conveniently swept under the rug, covertly covered up or just outright lied about, to the effect that our ancient ancestors were not as isolated and geo/culturally separated as we have been taught to think they were.

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