
Could this be a chemical pregnacy?

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Today i got my period and when i was taking a bath I notice floating in the water a large blood clot that contained red, white, and gray. Ive had blood clots before but never that big or any that contained white and gray, it was always just red. When i broke it apart it didn't feel like a normal blood clot.

I took a cheap dollar test on friday and it came back negative (didn't use my first moring urine.)

I've been ttc for 2 months and i was wondering if this could be a chemical pregnancy? I have really bad lower back pain and slighty tender breast that was worse a few days ago.




  1. Hey =]

    You could have been pregnant but I doubt it. But since you said you didn't test with first morning urine anything is possible. I would make and apt with your DR and have them do some blood work to see if your HCG levels were elevated or what not, You should also tell him the kind of blood clot you found. I remember when my friend had a miscarriage she called the hospital and they told her to put the blood clot in a zip lock bag and go right to the ER. Kinda gross I know but it helps them out alot diagnosing you. I wish you the best of luck in TTC. Baby dust to you and everyone else. =]  

  2. well if it`s a chemical pregnancy then a lump should come up on you belly and it`s probably a really big period 4 you

  3. I think u r not pregnant.  

  4. Slightly tender breast go along with ur period sumtimes. So does lower bak pain. Y u were takin a bath durin ur period idk cuz ur supposed 2 take a shower. And wat in tha world made u play wit ur blood clot

  5. It could have been a miscarriage. I dont think that with a chemical pregnancy there is anything that should pass. It just nothing there!

  6. ♦ My personal opinion on this is.. No. Because you took the test and it was negative, even if you were miscarrying or about to, you would still have the HCG in your system and therefore would have gotten a positive test... It's probably just a bad clot..

    Good luck on trying to conceive tho..  

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