
Could this be aliens?

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One night three years ago, I was in bed with my eyes closed.

I then opened my eyes slighty for two seconds. I saw this medium bright beam of light shine through the blind of my window. I closed my eyes again.

I just thought it was my imagination but I hid myself under my bedsheets because I was bit scared by then.

I heard no noise but I saw a few flashes of white light from outside my bed as I was hiding under the covers.

The next day I used my electronic bus pass as usual and it simply wouldn't work. Not matter how many times I tried it would not work. It never appeared to be damaged either. It never worked since so I had to replace it.

Do you think that aliens entered my room and whatever they were doing in there(to me) damaged my bus pass?

It was really creepy when it stopped working since that night.




  1. Yeah..Aliens hate buses and are trying to sabotage our bus passes.

  2. i do thats creepy as h**l.

  3. yea ruined your bus pass and got your butt packed same nite u just dont remember but i do i was there first night out in the new space ship made u squeal like a girly girl then did the vulcan mind meld on u so u dont remember it forgot to take away the bus pass light memory will be back tommorrow dont wait u u wont remember any of it when i leave will fix the bus pass too boy are u going to be confused and walking bow legged too

  4. aliens do not exist

  5. you're delusional. get help.

  6. Do you realize how this sounds? "Aliens came into my room to destroy my bus pass"?

    I think there might be two factors at play here.

    1) You had a realistic dream.

    2) Your bus pass stopped working.

    1 and 2 are not connected in any way. Its just a coincidence that they happened within 24 hours of each other.

  7. I think it's a good possibility that it was them visiting you. I am sure you are used to what type of lights shine through your window and if there was a light so bright that it scared you, it must have been out of the ordinary. and the bus pass thing, that just makes it more believable to me.

  8. GROW UP.

    And No that was not an alien encounter. Light which came through the blinds could have come from a car, a plane, light house...etc.

    As for the bus pass it since it was electronic a number things could have gone wrong, since the last time you used it.

    So unless you actually saw the Aliens and shook their hands.

    There are NO ALIENS.

    So the next time Aliens travel billions of light years and came to visit you. Don’t hide under your bed sheet rather confront your fears and greet them.

    I think Jacky B has the right idea. way to go Jacky.

  9. i believe it couldve been...when my mom was a little kid and i think she was like stayed at one of her friends house and she was sleeping and nobody know where she went then one of my grandmas friend found her at dairy queen

  10. Could it have been a "natural" phenomenon, such as lightning and/or  an electrical thing that also just happened to de-magnetize your pass ?

  11. It probably is aliens. I've heard of this sort of thing before. For some reason the little green people seem to have this unreasonable vendetta against bus passes.

  12. errr....ummm

  13. Anything is possible in this world. So it could be aliens. Keep a open mind.

  14. Cars driving past?

    Bad Dream?

    Bus pass demagnetized from rubbing against another card or magnetic surface?

    Active imagination?

    Take your pick.

  15. Are you on any prescription medication ?

  16. Teenagers often have foolish ideas, if you are lucky in a few years you may start to learn how to separate reality from fantasy.

  17. The only explanation!

    Ever thought of being a fantasy or fiction writer? You seem to have a good imagination.

  18. I think you woke up in the middle of REM sleep.

  19. yes. and they always come back. prepare for the anal probe

  20. Yes, this is exactly what happened.  Aliens traversed a vast expanse of the universe and descended undetected to the surface of our planet so they could damage your bus pass.  There is no other possible explanation.

  21. This could really be a coincidence.

    Aliens exists. But they are not found damaging anything to the earth. There is no proof ever that aliens came to earth. But some US people claim that they did and they say that they make secret research at Area 51. But this looks funny to the whole world.

    Dont be afraid. Aliens are just living beings that resides in the other planets. You cant simply conclude that they have intentions to destroy human. I think u r too much influenzed by Alien movies.

  22. -sigh-

  23. lol... oh yeah

  24. J Edgar Hoover was skeptical of the whole alien thing.  I think your story should be chiseled onto his stone.

  25. That's interesting. I just asked a question about UFOs a moment ago and on this experience I had.;...

  26. yes, your right,

  27. its abnormal. But not necessarily aliens at work. Since you considered aliens as a possibility, let me give you more possibilities. It could be an EMP shock that destroys specific frequencies of electronic gadgets. It could be coincidence. It could be a lightning storm sans thunder. It could be a microwave car that releases microwaves. Could be a toy helicopter that operates on frequencies that destroyed your bus pass. We don't know.

  28. I bet it was George Bush.

    But seriously it could have been aliens, but some magnetic card strips can be damaged if their stored directly against other magnetic card strips.

  29. lol aliens could have done that who knows but my guess is that a car passed by or something and its a coincidence that ur pass broke down shiiit happens lol

  30. yeees

  31. no
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