
Could this be true.....?

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Someone told me never lay my cellphone on my stomach while pregnant, because it could do something to the baby? Have any of you heard this?




  1. I have a laptop that on order to get the internet I have a wireless card which has a sim card and gets its signal off a cellphone tower just like a phone!! While I was pregnant I asked my obgyn about placing it on my belly (bc I couldnt see the screen over my and she explained to me that it would be just fine and woudlnt cause any harm!! I have a perfectly healthy 9week old baby girl!!!

  2. I've never heard of it but being pregnant makes you do crazy things... I would always step away from the microwave when I was pregnant or go in the next room when it was on! :)

  3. I do it sometimes...ITS SCARY!

    I won't do it anymore...

  4. Cell phones have terrible radiation problems. In some cases, they have been known to cause brain cancer. NEVER put your cell phone on your stomach when pregnant. If it can go through a full grown skull, think about what it can do to a developing one!

  5. Serious brain cancer so I hope you haven't but you have consider abortion.

  6. Yes I have heard it and I don't do it. It something about the reception going to the phone and being near the baby that doesn't sit to well with me!

  7. Yes, it is a form of radiation. The likelihood of it actually doing harm to the baby is very low, but it is just more junk that your child is exposed to.

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