
Could this be true???

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Can a 13 year old be in love????

(dont tell me that 13 year olds dont know what love is because i know that we do!!!!!)




  1. Sure, the can be.  But at that age its probably more of an infatuation.

  2. Doubtfull

  3. Well you answered your own question, why ask us???

  4. How does it change your life to say you are in love?

  5. I suppose you could be but I highly doubt it. I would be more willing to say that your hormones are getting the best of you.  

  6. As you get older, you will learn that real love involves some pain and sacrifice. Are you in to that yet?

  7. Why is this in the religion section?


    P.S, You dont know what love is at all so you best not ask....

  8. Sorry, but what you feel is infatuation. you aren't old enough or mature enough to truly love. And, No, you DON'T KNOW that you do. you just think you do

  9. I thought I was in love when I was 13. I can look back now and see it was really being infatuated. In fact, I've thought I was in love many times in my life. I didn't really know what being in love was until I was 38, and I can tell you I have never loved the same way before.

    I think we all learn throughout our lives.

  10. Sure, but there are different kinds/levels of love. A teen level sure. An adult level no, you won't understand that until you're older.

  11. What I would be concerned about is the fact that your life experiences are not many, and you could and probably would make a really bad choice.  As you get older you can tell that someone is a jerk, lying, .loser, and a host of other things.  It could really mess up the possibility of a good life.
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