
Could we have actually concieved?

by Guest44735  |  earlier

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My husband and i have been trying to concieve for a while now. I also have an irregular period, it comes and goes when it pleases. I was on birth control for about 7 months.( last year) Anyways, lately i have noticed changes in me. Like every so often my breast feel really sensitive and kinda hurt, but not sore or no darking of the areola. my stomach has been really achy and crampy. There are times when i get these really bad cramps and the next thing you know i feel as if i have to throw up but then it goes back down and as for bowel movements, same thing, i get these really bad cramps and i have to run to the bathroom and it is diarrhea like. And as far as i can remember i haven't bleed or had an discharge for as least 2 weeks or so. I also could sleep the day and night away.Some does i am so tired and others im fine. Could this mean that my husband and i actually did it and i could be pregnant? Any advice or comments is greatly appriecated! Thanks.




  1. Try taking a test, it's possible! and good luck! Baby dust to you! Do you BBT chart cause then you would know how many DPO you are

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