
Could you interperatate my dream?

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well heres my dream:

I was on a field trip with my class and we went to this carnival thing, and there was this tower thing that was really tall, and every body went up on it. then is spent the next 20 minutes ( in dream time) just walking around the place. then, whenever i talked to someone, they would not even notice me at all. i ran infront of them and yelled in their ears and stuff. then i realized i was dead, and some kind of ghost. im not sure how i died tho. so then, the rest of my dream, i was trying to let this girl know i loved her . shes my gf in real life (M.C.). so i was tryin to contact her somehow. it didnt work, and then there was like a montage thing oof her then some weird music in the backround... i kept trying, then my dog (in real life) barked at something. thats how i woke up and the dream ended.

what do you think it means? sorry for any spelling errors.




  1. Has someone you know who is near your age died recently?  If so, you probably feel especially vulnerable right now, and are realizing how fragile life is.  You fear for your own life and the life of that special someone.  It is only natural.

    When my husband and I first married, another couple we knew married around the same time.  Soon afterward, the young man died in an automobile accident.  This hit me VERY hard.  We were not close to this couple, but the fact that they were near our age (quite young) and had so recently married made it harder.  We identified with them.  It made us more aware of our own mortality.  It made it much harder to kiss my husband goodbye in the mornings for awhile after that.

    Pray for wisdom and safety and peace.  Hug your girlfriend and tell her how much you care.  Soon, this disturbing feeling should pass.

    God bless you!

  2. Your dream suggests some anxiety about acceptance among your friends and especially whether this girl might feel as strongly for you as you do for her.  

    This latter point seems to have driven the anxiety a bit further than it would normally go because it tends to leave you feeling as if you re 'on display' in front of others in the relationship, in a way.

    The field trip would be a natural setting in which to find yourself among these others - in a way your own mind portrays you as 'put to the test'.  You rise up into this high place - there should be a loftiness of feeling, and perhaps that's true for the group.  High spirits all around - you too should be happy and a part of things.  

    It is rather isolated - not everyone can be there, but your group comfortably is there.  You are in essence now put on stage to see how you 'stack up' among these friends, including your girlfriend.  In all of this you find only the frustration of being invisible - conclusion: you are dead.  

    Odd thing, but we really don't see ourselves as dead in dreams - we cannot.  To observe one's self that way is to live indeed - it is a parody, something acted, not real.  What you are seeing is that to the crowd you are 'as if' dead, as in 'not there' - not important.

    But of course you are there - else you could not observe.  And the thing is a dream - it is a projection of a fear you hold inside: that you would not be important to these others for some reason.  But they are your friends, why wouldn't you be important to them?  That would have to be very frustrating - no matter what you do you go unnoticed.  

    The disappointment only gets worse now as you try to get your girlfriend's attention - and cannot.  The moment is here - you are in this special place with a special message - you need to have her understand just what she really means to you, but you cannot break through.  The montage may have been a playing back of many things about her that you like or admire, in your grief of not being able to reach her you are nearly tormented now by having all this played back at you.

    The music - the dog - perhaps real things (the dog was) - such things do infringe on dreams and awaken us.  The music could have also simply been part of the dream - the do may have even barked at you if you cried out in the dream, perhaps unknowingly.  It would be a frustrating dream, that would be quite normal.  These do not seem to be terribly important points.

    What is important is that you seem to lack confidence that this girl will be as accepting of you as you feel toward her - and the crowd of peers around you seems to distract in two important ways:

    They also hold her attention to some degree - perhaps in a way that feels competitive to your own attempts to express your fullest affection toward her.

    The friends or peers around you add to feelings of self-consciousness you may have as you think about approaching your girlfriend to fully express your care for her.  We can all get such feelings - it is sometimes as if we are wearing a sandwich-board sign to draw attention when we'd really just like the privacy and fortitude to express ourselves without embarrassement.

    Whether the girl deliberately likes the crowd and tends to keep you at a bit of a distance that way, or whether this is just part of your own nature is something you will need to sort out.  It does not appear to be a mean thing, just human nature.  You would have to decide whether to 'take a chance' and approach her about your deepest feelings or not - and risk whatever comes.  Only you know what's best there for you - and her.  

    But this seems to be at the core of the dream: some degree of fear of being rejected.  Coupled with that seems to be some feeling of your relationship being thwarted by the competition of the crowd around you.  Maybe she truly isn't as serious as you and you may have to accept that, or maybe the ice just really needs to be broken - only you can decide that direction, but perhaps these points may help.

    In short, your dream means that you have a bit of frustration over this and your inner mind now encourages you to face that and make a decision about your next step.  Consider these things - perhaps they will help in the matter.

    All the best to you for happiness.

  3. I think it's a DREAM.....dreams do not need to be interpreted becuz they are dreams....not some superficial thing that needs explaining.....I had a dream when I was little like 6 years ago that I was eaten by a dog....I'm serious....and I had that dream over and over again! did it happen??? NO I'm 18 and still fine!! so stop freakin out

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