
Covenant chain? slaves?

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1.Through treaties such as the Covenant Chain, Native American Iroquois

a.Gradually resisted British attempts to take Native American land

b.Firmly allied with the French

c.Decided with other Native American groups to resist British efforts to take their land

d.Helped the British take land from other Native American groups in return for protection of their lands

e.Agreed to accept arms and liquor from French traders in exchange for fighting the British

2.The following is the best characterization of the distribution of slaves in British North America by the mid-1700s:

a.They were located almost exclusively in the South

b. There were equal proportions in the North and South

c. Although most were in the South, significant numbers of slaves lived in the North

d.northern colonies had outlawed slavery, resulting in a concentration in the South

e.far fewer slaves resided in British North American compared to New France and New Spain




  1. D


  2. If all you're interested in is the answers to these two questions, they  are D and C.

    However, E is an answer designed to throw a curve if ever I saw one, because the Spanish colonies in South America imported far more slaves than the British, and even the French possessions in the Caribbean had huge slave populations.  Since the scope of the question is limited to the British portions of North America, though,  E would be incorrect.

    By the way, the alliance between the British and the Iroquois League lasted into the American Revolution--and after the ceremonial fire was extinguished in, I believe, 1777 or thereabouts (which, to all intents and purposes, dissolved the League and left the six component nations free to form alliances with whomever they chose, or to form none at all), the Mohawk Nation, under the leadership of Joseph Brant, maintained their allegiance to Britain, and many of them moved to Canada after the Revolutionary War.

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