
Cradle of Civilization?

by Guest61507  |  earlier

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What is a Cradle of Civilization?




  1. Scholars educated in various parts of the world look at the question differently. There are five rivers that scholars cite as being possible sites for the 'Cradle of Civilization.' They are: the Tigris-Euphrates in modern day Iraq, the Halil roud in modern day Iran, the Nile in Africa, the Indus in South Asia, and the Huang-He-Yangtze in Chinia.


  2. It is just a term that means birth place of civilization.  Where it started.

  3. Mesopotamia.  Around Iraq, between the Tigris and the Euphrates.

    This article is via wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt.

  4. Mesopotamia refers to the region now known as modern Iraq, and parts of eastern Syria, Kuwait, southeastern Turkey, and southwest Iran. The toponym comes from the Greek words μέσος "between" and ποταμός "river", referring to the basins of the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers and the area in between. Comparably, the Arabic term is ما بين النهرين Ma Bayn Al Nahrain "between the two rivers". The geographical area watered by these two rivers is often referred to as the "Cradle of Civilization", since it was here that the first literate societies developed in the late 4th millennium BC, using a highly sophisticated writing system in the context of the emergence of the first cities and complex state bureaucracies.

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