
Cramping in abdomen?

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When ever i cough, my lower abdomen cramps up, causing me so much pain, it also happens when i sneeze, is this normal?

Im 18 weeks pregnant!




  1. that kind of "cramping" feellin happens to me when i brush my teeth? thanks for askin cuz i would like to know to  

  2. It sounds like the ligaments or tendons that hold your uterus. They are already stretching tightly as your uterus grows so when you sneeze you are jerking those tendons causing that sharp pain.

    It is normal just very painful. I dont know if it helps but as a reflex i will hold my lower stomach when I get ready to sneeze and it seems to help.

    good luck  

  3. I know how you feel!  When I would sneeze, I'd get a very sharp cramp.  Luckily it doesn't happen every time, but it's somewhat common with pregnant women.  :)  Hope you feel better!
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