
Cramps in a weird spot?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, go to your Belly Button, and about 4 and 1/2 inches to your right and about 1/2 an inch down, right above my hip. Isn't that a weird place for a cramp? It has hurt all day, since about 11. Is 7:26 Where I live now. It comes and goes but hurts more when I sit down and lay down. My period should come in about a week or so. I have just recently gotten my period 8 months ago and this is my first time with cramps. But I don't know if I have something bad like an infection or if these are just weird cramps! PLEASE HELP ME!!




  1. You have cancer. Your prolly gonna die.

  2. Sometimes I get a pain like that when I am ovulating.  It usually comes as a pinching pain, coming and going.

    Although it may be appendicitis or some other very serious condition.  I would talk with your Mom about it and you both can decide what to do from there.  You may have to go to the hospital.

    By the way, I know you are scared, however, just because you are scared DOES NOT MEAN you should ignore the signals your body sends out.  You HAVE to be responsible for your own health, so please go to the doctor and stop ignoring this pain!!

  3. sounds like your ovaries.

    possibly a cist.

    or appendix.


    maybe you should got to the gyno.

    :/ ehhh.

    good luck. :)

  4. Um,

    it probably isn't anything TOO serious, youre probably just about to start your period.

    Just push in on the spot that it's hurting, if it hurts worse, I think you should go to a doctor. It is possible that you could have appendicitis, which is VERY serious. If you do, you'd have to have your appendix taken out asap.

    Im not joking, this isnt to scare you.

    I don't want you to worry, just tell you mom or someone and see what they think.

    Good luck!!!

  5. You are probably just cramping from your period, calm down. I didn't start cramping from my period until about 3 years after I had started.  

  6. i get those a lot

    too when im on my period

    and i run

  7. ovaries, kidneys, appendix

    ...but probably just cramps, i get them in weird spots all the time

    if they don't hurt too bad, and you're not wicked bloated, it may be nothing

    talk to your parents

    if you're super concerned, go to the doctor

  8. Get the f@ck to a hospital or ur gonna die!!!!

  9. it's fine, it's just weird cramps, trust me. i've had my period for 2 yrs. now and i get 'em all the time, don't worry!

  10. that isn't really a cramp. it is your ovary releasing your egg. i get that too. some people can feel it and others can't. another month you may feel it on the other side. don't worry it is completely normal.

  11. That maybe a gas bubble, constipation or your appendix. You will need to pay attention to it. If it worsens or you become nauseous and or develop a fever please let someone know.

  12. Might be a hernia. Lift any heavy weights recently?

  13. aw sh*t you gunna die

  14. It kind of sounds like either your ovaries or you kidneys.

  15. i get those a lot, except they are either an inch below or above my belly button or 2-3 inches to the left or right. I think mine may be somethin more serious because it isn't just a few days a month, it is nearly everyday.....

  16. got to the doctors.

  17. Appendix.  Go to the hospital now.  Seriously, you could die if it ruptures.

  18. wtf GO TO THE DOCTOR.

  19. Hiatal hernia,  or appendicitis.   i would see a doctor!  

  20. Sounds like appendix. That is where it is located

  21. culd be ovarian cancer, see a doctor quick

  22. well u should be scared. u need to listen to ur body and go see the Doc. it's important to be worried and do something about the situation. maybe it's nothing but maybe it's something. i use to have alot of cramps and pain. it got worse and worse. no one took me seriously. they all said it was just cramps. it ended up being a very big cist on my ovary and i had a big operation a few days later.   so be smart and go see a Doc

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