
Crayfish with Loaches?

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My new 72- gallon is almost finished cycling.

I'm planning to start with:

5 clown loaches

4 Yoyo cloaches

And eventually fill the rest with African Cichlids, once i have adjusted the water parameters.

My question is, will a blue crayfish bother my loaches? Both of them can get quite big. Let's say if they are about the same size..... i'm scared of the claws.... but i know loaches are strong fishes too

what do you think?




  1. Crayfish can eat anything that likes to live on the bottom of the tank especially smaller fish.  So your clown loaches should be ok because they are a bit bigger and move around a lot.  I would just watch the YoYo loaches, yes crayfish have been know to eat them especially when they 'sleep' on their sides and the crayfish sneak up on them

  2. I know most loaches of the botia variety (Yo yo and Clown) have a taste for invertebrates. So there is a possibility that the crayfish could actually become lunch for your loaches.

    I could be wrong and somebody please correct me if I am. Thanks.  
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