
Craziest dream ever!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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This one time I dreamnt that me and my three friends went to the movies. We watched the movie and we were leaving the movie theater but when we step outside we are somewhere else. We were standing in the middle of hollywood blvd. Then I see Orlando Bloom walk by and I'm just standing there in shock and then I start screaming and freaking out and I some how convince my friends that we should follow him. So we were following him everywhere. Then Jeniffer Lopez pops out of no where on this stage and there were a whole bunch of lights and she singing this song I have never heard of in my life. And we are all just standing there looking at her like WTF?

Then we walk away and keep following Orlando Bloom and then I woke up. That was the craziest dream I have ever had.

except there was this one other dream where I got eaten by a whale




  1. Haha the whale one sounds hilarious!!!

    Heehee thats very funny.

  2. Orlando bloom, Jenifer Lopez = unexpected desire

    You are feeling the need to get your desire.  You are looking for surprises in life.  Perhaps, in reality you are feeling lack of excitement and that is why in dream you project all these following and the star popped out of no where.  That is to tell you that you want to be known and recognized in some aspect of your life.

  3. It's probably that you like Orlando Bloom and  Jennifer Lopez so much you think about them sometimes. You probably want to be famous like them, so that you would meet them.

  4. i once had a dream where i was getting bitten by fearies then when i woke up a hamster was biting my fingers.


  5. Lol

    Orlando Bloom can be in my dreams anytime!

  6. I think you watch too many movies

  7. i had a dream that i was lost/stuck in a mall, being chased by a crocodile/alligator/ big lizard thing. my cat came and found my and brought my to a pet shop, then the guy that worked there saved me from the croc./alligator/lizerd thing. then i woke up.

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