
Crazy Americans going back to Europe?

by Guest62443  |  earlier

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For everyone in Western Europe.......and Canada to...

Barak Obama looks like he may just win the elections here in the U.S.

Yes, I hope he does win, and I know a lot of people outside the U.S. would like to see him win to.

Keeping that in mind, if Obama does win, are you afraid that our population of overly religious racist fanatics will find their way back to Europe or Canada because they are disgusted that we voted in a black man?

Most of us here in the states would love to see our country finally get rid of those people with crazy racist ideals, but that means that Europe and Canada would be taking in most of them.

Is this something you as a European or Canadian have thought about?

Not sure why I thought about this. I would love to see our country wiped clean of all the ignorant/intolerant people, but would feel bad if that meant they all took off back to Europe, or moved north to Canada.....then you guys would have to deal with them!

What's your take on this? Honesty please.




  1. Even if Obama wins, they won't leave. Sorry mate, you're stuck with them ! I wonder if there would be the possibility of some kind of political back-lash in the years after, though ?

  2. Racism is still very big in America, but its not as fashionable as it used to be.

    Youve got less lynchings and KKK rallies, but more of the systematic type of racism going on.

    All in all, Im sure there are less racists, because the country is as integrated as it has ever been, which is a good thing. especially among the younger generations.

    But i dont have much faith in the powers that be, and some of the backwater type places.

  3. Simple fact is that if they do leave they certainly will not be allowed to come to the UK unless they have a job waiting for them.  It is not at all easy for someone who is not a citizen of the EU to just up sticks and move here as all jobs have to be offered to EU citizens first, so unless the American has a skill which is in high demand here, they simply will not be allowed entry to the country to live and work.

  4. I live in Britain, and I hope that the Democrats win - be it Obama or Clinton (although I suspect that Obama will win).

    However, I doubt that any of the people you are referring to would actually emigrate in significant numbers. Most of them seem to be too overly proud of the US & the flag, and wouldn't welcome having to accept gun control (or portion control for that matter :) )

    I doubt that many of them would fit into the way of life over here - we don't tend to be tolerant of loud, brash Americans who loudly proclaim that they "love God" and want to keep the "right to bear arms" whilst holding views akin to the lynch mob and Bob Ewell in To Kill A Mockingbird.

  5. I don't really think there are that many racists in the US.  In any case they wouldn't want to come to England

  6. we dont want em mate.

  7. there is no way they are getting into the UK or the EU.

    especially with the UK, we just don't let anyone in, they have to have certain skills we are in high demand of, to be allowed to live and work in this country, so it looks like you will be stuck with them :-D

  8. They won't leave, they will just find a way to regain power and stop this ever happening again. There are enough power hungry people and enough scared votors to mean that the US will never be free from the racist war mongerers

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