
Crdit card payment problems?

by  |  earlier

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we havent been aable to pay our crdit cards for months now, and the people are after us. they are calling all day and i have no idea how to deal with this. we really cant pay them, is there anything for me to say to make them care about my situatuion?




  1. where are you located canada or the states?

  2. No there is nothing you can say to them so they would care about your situation. All they care about is getting you to pay your bill, so they can get paid.

  3. Just pay off your debts. It can also help you to improve you credit score and credit report.

    If you are not able to manage it yourself then you can go for a debt consolidation company. They can provide you with the best solution to pay off debts. They can provide you with a minimum payment plan for each month thus you can pay off your debts.

    Here is the source of a debt consolidation company named for your reference.

  4. ok what you should have done when you saw trouble on the horizon was call them up and make some being in default you have weakened your position.they make money when you stretch out the payments because you pay more interest,usually if you can pay the interest every month that will hold them,but you will still owe the principle.........go  call them,don't grovel or explain,just state facts im in trouble and i need to make some arrangements .  don't put it off go and do,they go to collections very fast so go and

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