
Creating my own website?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I heard that I could pay off the bills using advertisements and things like that, so then I wouldn't have to pay anything, the ads will pay them off. I don't really know the steps on doing that. PLEASE help?




  1. Yahoo offers website domains at cheap rates, so does try checking them out.

  2. Well one thins you have to look at is having a dot com company is a huge risk and you have ton of competitores.  You would have to be very advanced in web page design.  You also have to offer somthing better then the people before you.  Somthing that will attract people to your site and good enough advertisements cause you only get paid if they click.

  3. Look into S.B.I or Site Build It they helped me build my site the right way and its easy as halk look it up and holla at ya boy

  4. How to Start / Create Your Own Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide

  5. It is not that simple. Some sites do very well at generating income from advertising while others do not. To learn the proper steps you must focus on training that teaches profitability factors. I like others have used SBI to build my site. SBI is a system built by the web host named SiteSell. There system is great in teaching these proper steps. I used their system at to build my site


  6. Hi

    Try GDI. They are well established and they use the the .ws extention which gives you a good chance at getting the domain name you want, unlike .com. They also have good website building tools.

    It's only $10 per month and you can pay monthly and they give a seven day free trial. Plus you can earn through them as well.

    Good luck with your project

  7. If you log onto, you can create a website for free.

  8. you search in google or yahoo. and click you like.

  9. Go to If you advertise for them they will give you some money or something. Make sure you have an account first!


  10. ......

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