
Creative death scenes -- any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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My friend has been shot stabbed (twice) blown up and blugeoned to death. All faked of course seeing as how he is still around to fake his death again... well he likes to do this for the camera because it often times looks real... and it's just fun I suppose. But I need more ideas...

We already have down

Acid, but not just acid it corrodes away your insides then your flesh.

Hanging him... difficult to fake but we'll get it...

hitting him with a car... even harder to fake but we'll do it

Decapitation... Easy once Halloween rolls around...

And tearing his body apart with a crowbar... Also... easy once Halloween blows over...

What I would like is some more ideas...

If you have any ideas tell me.. and then if possible how it can be done... I'm a busy bee I need some help producing that honey like creativity...




  1. Go to the next stage in your death scenes.  Put the "scene" in the hospital emergency room.  The first person you see in the ER is the "triage" nurse who has to guess if you have 4 minutes to live or if you can sit and wait for 5 hours.  Can you play the part of the Triage Person?   Imagine every possible way you could end up at the ER.

  2. Falling off a building. Start by showing your friend slip or get pushed by someone else on the roof and he's holding on to a nail stuck in the roof. His hands are bloody as the nail digs into his hhand. Then he falls. You can throw a fake dummy off the roof. Hope this helps :)

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