
Credit Score Chart?

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I want to know if my credit score is considered good, very good or excellent but when I search for information online each website has a different opinion on what is good and what is excellent. Some websites consider my score to be good while others consider it very good and a few even consider it excellent. Is there an actual chart that shows what category my credit score falls in? Also, I want to know if I have a good score for my age. Any information or opinions will be appreciated. My credit score is 712 and I am 20 years old. I turned 20 on March 21st 2008. Thank you for any help provided!




  1. Actually that is the case, it is subjective.  It is in the fair to good, (750, being the median/average)  with an aim for 850, which is the top score.  Just keep up the good work, and learn all you can about good credit, and keeping it that way.  It is an ongoing learning experience and one to look forward to improving.

  2. Why do you care?  "Good" is subjective.  there is no "master chart of what is good".

    Yo uknow what the range is and where your score falls in that range.  That's really all you need to know.

    Don't worry about your credit score.  It has nothing to do with how happy you are, how much you will earn, etc.  It's just a number - don't obsess over it.

    Use credit wisely (only when needed) and the rest will fall into place.

  3. regardless of age, ANY score over 700 is VERY GOOD to EXCELLENT. You should have NO problems getting credit, and if you use it wisely, your score can only go up.
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