
Credit record problems?

by  |  earlier

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I am on permanent disability and have had a lot of medical issues.

Medicare pays 80% and I cannot pay the remaining 20% so my credit is filled with medical bills I have no chance of paying.

Do I have to just grin and bear it? Is there nothing I can do?

Ive contacted the hospitals but they all say the same thing they passed it off to the debt collectors and they just want their $$ that I cant afford to pay




  1. Just grin & bear it.  They cannot by law take your disability or social security income.   Tell the collectors you have no way to pay & to not contact you again, that you only receive disability income so do what they want.  Since there is nothing they can legally do they should leave you alone.

  2. ask for charity care

  3. Contact the credit agency and see if they can do anythong

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