
Credit report ?

by  |  earlier

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My husband wrote a check to a check cashing place for his mother and she never paid it so now it is on his credit bc they took him to court. we were making $50 payments every 2 weeks to slowly get it off and we moved and did not get the money sent in on time and they reported it. well, they took him to court and since we could not make it, he lost. he has a receipt from them and it says his balance is $50, not $892 that was reported. can we do anything now. i know his mom is not going to pay us back and it has been a year and a half-2 years




  1. You need to get copies of

    any paid out money to prove

    what you're saying.  

    Otherwise, you and your

    husband will have to pay

    the money.

  2. Geeze...nice mom...not!

    Anyway if you have a receipt showing the lower of the 2 supposed balances why didn't you just submit it to the court and/or legal rep?

    Right now that's all the proof you have and make sure you keep meticulous records of all payments. Don't lend his mom anymore money either.
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